Halfway Throught Hunted- not sure what chapter yet...suggestions welcome

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THE GIRLS FRIGHTENED EYES SETTLED ON ME, but she was still subconsciously following Kane behind me "Who are you?" the girl asked a question...and I was going to answer it

"Who am I?" I said in a cold voice that was laced softly with a purr "Why I'm the connection...the missing link. I am half way between heaven and hell. I feel no pain- I welcome it. I fear no death- yet I can't run from it. I can give life as quickly as I can take it away-do you fear death? I walk in the shadows next to your kind, for years in peace, then disturbance to the quality of your life. You are no more human...than I am." I leapt to the other side of her, closing my hand around her mouth. She was clenching her eyes tight now tear spilling between here eyes lids reaching my hand. She opened her eyes and the light of the street shining on her beautiful face was blocked by Kane's huge body. My hand grazed up her thigh, closing my fingers around her wrist. I forced it in front of Kane.

"Here, may your first taste no be in vain" I said. He saw the exposed skin, looking straight thought the membrane to be the warm blood flowed. I could see the temptation engulf him, and the change in his eyes making him completely focused on the objective

"I don't think I have even been so creative" I said "usually I say something a lot...blander and it makes the whole thing so, dry." I giggled, Kane's bearded his fangs. Long, sharp, pearly white and deadly. He bowed his head and bit into the girl's wrist. He screamed into my hand. I smiled then leaned in her neck and bit into her, getting my first taste for myself. It flowed and soothed my desire.

Before she was finished Kane lifted my head "No." he said flatly.

"What is the matter?" I said lifting my own head, but it was too late now. I knew the girl would have gone cold. I could hear her faulting heart that would soon collapse and she would be dead. I focused only a small part of my attention on that and focused the rest on Kane, his faced hard.

"Must you taunt them before you feed?" he scowled.

"Why, yes." I said plainly. That was his question? Jesus couldn't he have waiting until the girl was finished until he did that.

"Every time?" he pushed.

I shrugged "Of course, it makes me feel powerful...like I'm better than them. Who not to say I am. Girls. I don't always hunt them"

"No because naturally you hunt the opposite sex." He said making note of the obvious fact.

"Indeed, but I get the spiked exhilaration from the hormones." I paused "I never taunt men, I take them to quickly...I don't delay when it comes to men. But with women, it makes it all the more worth-while."

He shook his head and frowned "That doesn't seem right to me."

I rolled my eyes "Well, of course not. After five centuries of feeding off nothing but animals you can't help but be reduced to that...and the 'mutual' respect for humans that goes with it."

"I need to, but now it doesn't seem right...I need to do this one my own"

That tipped me over the edge "On your own. You would last another minute without me. I saved you, I helped you. I bought you back to what you once where. You're reclaiming your life." The girl's heart finally stopped, she was dead. I dropped her body not realizing at first that I was still holding it. I stepped over it moving in closer to Kane "This is who you are...what we are. "I jabbed my finger down at the pretty girls corpse turning cold on the pavement. "We were created, born, to control the balance of human kind and you stand next to them in defiance. I get a kick out of hunting girls, and I'm sick and tired of saying the same seven words over and over again. 'Prey, they should be seen...not herd' it is the motto that we live our lives by and you refuse it." I hissed.

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