Chapter 23

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Harry took me to the Oyster Bar for lunch and hung out on the boardwalk for the remainder of the afternoon.

I was trying on tops at the boutique and was sporting one in front of the mirrors while Harry played on his phone in the waiting chairs.

"That one's nice," he said, looking up for only a moment.

"That's what you said about the last one."

"This is not my thing, Darby. If you wanted specifics on how nice each top was, you should have brought Niall."

Thanks, Harry. Right in the feels.

"Speaking of," I said as I retreated to the dressing room, "you two seem angry at each other."

I started to change back into my street clothes.

"Not angry," he said. "Just....aggravated."


"I kind of....broke a promise to him.."

I pulled open the door once I had my shirt over my head.

"What kind of promise?"

Harry came over and touched my face.

"Nothing of importance."

I bit down on my thumbnail.

"So are you getting a top?" he asked.

I shook my head. "Let's just go home."


When we got back, Eleanor and Danielle were in Louis' car, ready to leave.

"DARBY!" they shouted in unison.

"Get in here!" Danielle said.


"Just do it!" Eleanor commanded.



"Okay! Fine!" I climbed into the back.

"Bye, Harry!" Eleanor called as she sped out of the driveway.

"Alright, where are you freaks taking me?"

Danielle turned to face me. "We can't let the guys know we're telling you this."

"Because they would murder us."

"But if we don't tell you, Niall and Harry are gong to murder each other."

"Alright, then tell me."

Danielle and Eleanor exchanged knowing glances. Danielle took a deep breath and started to tell the story.

"Whenever the guys first made the band and Niall introduced them to you...Harry tried to call you."

"Call me? Like on the phone? I don't understand."

" he tried to call dibs on you."



"You're freaking kidding me."

"Oh, Darby, I wish I was."

Eleanor interrupted us. "Anyway, Niall got mad and made him promise never to go out with you."

"Why? Can't Harry make his own decisions?"

" know how girls have a code about dating best friends' crushes?"

"You don't mean that-"

Danielle nodded. "Harry and Niall are both in love with you. They always have been."

My head was swimming. I could barley breathe.

" could I be blind?"

"It's okay, Darby, really," Eleanor said. "You just have to decide between them...which isn't great....but-"

"But if you don't soon-and by soon, I mean today- then Harry and Niall are going to kill each other."

"So wait," I said. "Harry's-"

"Completley stabbing Niall in the back?" Eleanor said. "Yeah. He is."

I buried my head in my knees. "This is horrible. I just ruined everything."

"What do you mean?" Danielle asked.

"I can't be with Harry.......

"I have to be with Niall."

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