f o u r

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I climbed out of bed. It was dark outside, but I didn't want to sleep . I walked from my room to my daddy's, but he wasn't in there. I let out a loud cry because I bumped into a wall then I proceeded to walk downstairs.
The tv was on and my dad was on the couch asleep . I stumbled over the the couch and climbed beside him, poking him in the face.
"Julianna," he yawned. " What are you doing up this late ?"
I clapped my hands and giggled .
"You need to go to sleep ."
"No,"I giggled .
"It's late, Julianna, lay down ."
I pouted, and crossed my arms.
"Little missy, drop your attitude right now ," my dad smiled.
I shook my head. How dare he try to make me go to sleep ?
"If you don't go to bed then we can't go to the park tomorrow with Nate."
Nate . You could say I had a little crush on him.
My eyes widened and a smiled appeared.
"Let's go to bed."
Dad lifted me up and carried me upstairs, laying me in my bed.
"Go to sleep, baby girl."
I closed my eyes and slowly drifted off to sleep.
Light shown through my bedroom window. I finished sleeping through the night and would get to go to the park today with daddy and Nate.
I heard singing so I crawled out of bed and made my way downstairs. Daddy was singing and making food. I wobbled my way towards him and grabbed his legs.
"Well, good morning Julianna."
He picked me up and sat me in my high chair .
I heard someone come through the door and a voice I recognized boomed through the house.
"Where's my Julianna ?"
I gasped . Nate was here. I looked at my daddy and he mocked my facial expression .
"Who's that ?"
Nate came in the room and sat across from me .
"There's my baby girl ."
I smiled widely as he pinched my cheeks.
Daddy set some food in front of me and went away.
"You better eat that before I do," Nate said, playfully nipping at my hands.
I clapped , giggling widely .
My dad came back into the kitchen with one of my outfits .
"I'll just get her dressed after she eats and then we can go," he told Nate.
Nate got up and stood by my da, talking while I ate.
"I lowkey want one ," he said.
"A baby ?" my dad asked.
"Yeah , Julianna is just so great ," Nate stated.
"I'm definitely blessed. Man, I never would have known that I could loved another female like this, but if I could ever give you advice, it would be for you to wait ," daddy said," You know sometimes I wish I never met Selena, but then I realize I wouldn't have Julianna if it wasn't for her."
"Well, you have an amazing daughter; I can't say much about your baby mama though."
They both laughed. I finished my food, got dressed , and went to the park with my daddy and Nate.

Daddy || Jack GilinskyWhere stories live. Discover now