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I drank out of my cup and ate chips out of a bowl while watching cartoons . Daddy was pacing around the room and talking on the phone . I didn't really care who he was talking to or what they were talking about, but he was starting to get in the way of the tv .
I leaned one way and then the other trying to see through him .
"You don't have any friends that could watch her ?  I really need a sitter ," he sighed .
"You think I would be begging you if I had someone else," he stated .
"I'm sorry, I'll just have to stay here and cancel my plans ," he said ,"Bye."
He sat beside me on the couch and finally out of my way .
"Looks like I'm here with you tonight ," daddy smiled , while getting comfortable .
I continued to chomp on chips .
"Wouldn't have it any other way though; I didn't want to go out anyway ."
He looked towards me, but I didn't care .
"God, you're growing up on me . You probably wouldn't care if I left right now ."
Chomp. Chomp. Chomp .
"Julianna ."
I rolled my in a dramatic way and looked at him .
"Jeez, sorry ," he chuckled .
I looked back to the cartoons, but the channel changed to sports .
"Back !" I exclaimed, looking towards my father .
"Wasn't me ," he laughed .
I huffed and soon let out a loud screech . Tears were falling from my eyes and I kicked my legs .
"Put it back !" I screamed .
"Okay, okay," daddy said while rushing to get to the right channel. "There ."
I wiped my eyes and turned back to the television . Daddy stared at me in shock while I laughed at the cartoon .
"I'm just gonna go watch tv in the other room ," he sighed ," This is all yours, princesses ."
Daddy went to another room and I sang along with the cartoons .

Daddy || Jack GilinskyWhere stories live. Discover now