Chapter 1

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"Hey, you awake?" I jumped out of my seat, banging my knee on my desk. "Guess not." Ross gives a chuckle from the doorway to my office. "Anyways, Jin, I'm heading out. Came to say bye and stuff. Guess that I came at the wrong time!" I rub my eyes. "No, its perfectly fine. I wasn't really that tired anyways."

He leans on the doorway, making it creak a bit. "Sure you weren't. You just decided that it would be fun to sleep in the offices tonight. You know, like a camp out." I giggle a bit. "Okay, whatever, you win. I was finishing up recording, and I guess that I dozed off... Oh! The camera! I fell asleep before I turned it off!" I jolt up and hit my head on a light. Pain runs through my forehead as I fall back into my seat.

"Ow" I reach up to rub my head. "Jin, maybe I should do this for you. I think you're still asleep." He walks over and flicks the camera off. "Hey, look on the bright side, that was comedy gold!" "Hey! That really hurt!" I glare at him, but he stays there, laughing. For some reason, I can't stay angry when he laughs. Weird.

"Hey, Ross? I think I left my keys in the back of Adam's car. Is he still here?" He glances over at me. "No, he's gone home to help with baby Mason. Why were you in his car in the first place?" I run my hand through my hair, exasperated. "Well, how am I supposed to get home now?" I lean back in my chair and sigh. "Well, I do have a car, if you've forgotten." Ross walks over to my side and bends down, so he's eye level with me. "That is, if you can make it to the car." He stands back up and pulls his coat off of the doorknob to my office, where he had left it earlier.

"Thanks Ross. Just drop me off at my place." He takes his keys out of his pocket and twirls them around one of his fingers. "No problem. Not like I had anything else to do tonight anyways." I stand up and follow him out the door. "How late is it?" He looks down at his watch. "Ten till' twelve" I look up in surprise. "Really?" "Well, if my watch is set correctly, then yeah."

"Wow, I really was out." He giggles. "Kind of thought so. Good thing I woke you up, though, or else you'd have to stay here all night. Not that thats necessarily a bad thing, but you might feel more comfortable not sleeping in a chair all night." We near the exit, and I stumble over to one side. He reaches out an arm and steadies me. "Guess you're still kinda asleep." I giggle. "Yeah, guess so."

We open the door and walk out into the fresh night air. I'm glad to finally be out of that building. Its nicer out here, although it is starting to get kind of cold. The stars in the night sky are barely visible over the lights from the city, but they're still a very nice sight. A small gust of wind travels down my back, and I shiver. "Hey, Jin, you cold?" Ross looks over at me. "Yeah, kind of." He nods and takes off his jacket, wrapping it around my shoulders.

"Wow, thanks Ross, you didn't have to do that. Aren't you cold now?" He smiles. "No problem! And not really, I'll be fine. You, on the other hand, might make a pretty convincing Frosty the Snowman if you don't warm up soon." I laugh and push my hair out of my eyes. "Well that could be an issue in the foreseeable future." He chuckles as we approach his car. "Well, hop in! Don't freeze to death out here!"

I do so, and as I buckle into the passenger's side he starts the engine. "Ready to go racing, Jin?" He glances over at me with a smile. "Wait, what? Ross, how many times do we have to tell you, no going over 40 mph on the roads!" I laugh along with him. "But what if I want to?" He giggles as he jerks the car into reverse. "Well then, I guess we can make an exception."

CANCELED - Dreaming Of You - Rossbop FanficWhere stories live. Discover now