I'm really sorry... (update thingy)

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I'm really sorry. I've really tried to update, I have, its just, there's been, uh, stuff going on. Not good stuff, if you didn't pick up on that. I'm really trying to write, but as soon as I sit down I just have no motivation.

However, I WILL be continuing this book, I just can't promise an update schedule. Like, at all. I feel really bad for having to completely abandon the idea of an update schedule, but I just can't possibly keep to one with everything that is happening.

I recently had a slight boost of inspiration, and actually got a couple ideas for this book, so that's good, meaning I should have another update out before the next century passes.

One more thing, I'm most likely going to be starting a couple of other books to help me if I get writers block, but I WILL still update this one.

Again, I really want to thank you all SO much for your continued support for this book. 2.2k reads? That's crazy! And I really appreciate it, seeing all the positive feedback really helps put me in a better mood. :)

Anyways, I think that about covers it. Again, I'm really sorry. I've really been trying, but stuff happens in life that you don't really expect to, and I can't exactly plan around it. Thank you so much for understanding. :)

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