I'm so sorry this is another author's note

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Hey guys! So I wanted to say a couple of really important things.

First and foremost, thank you all so much for the amazing amount of support for this book! It has almost 3k reads, and I never, ever thought that it would get to here! I know that I thank you guys a lot, but I really do appreciate everything!

Second, I'm actually starting a new book! So, um, yeah, I kinda got dragged into this ship and now I can't leave it and AAASRDGHF. The first chapter should hopefully be out soon, and I'll let you guys know when I've published it!

And thirdly, about this book. So, I started this back in October, and I had a ton of time to work on it, along with a ton of motivation. Now, things have changed a bit. I don't have that much free time, and when I do I usually use it to finish art commissions that I have lined up. Luckily, the last week of school is next week, so I don't have to worry about timing so much, even with a hectic summer. However, motivation recently has been a problem. And not just for this book either. I've been feeling really down lately, and a lot of stuff has been happening at home that doesn't help with that. I'm perfectly fine, I just am lacking the motivation I need to do anything. Unfortunately, that seems to have been hitting this book pretty hard, and I realize that I just haven't been able to update anywhere close to how often I'd like to. The main issue is that I'll get a spark of motivation for this book, write a chapter, and then won't have that spark of motivation for a long time afterwards. I have motivation to do other things, just sometimes not this book. Which is odd, because I really enjoy writing this book. So, that is why I have decided to start a second book, so if I lose motivation for one, you guys will have another book to read, and at least one of them will be updated as often as I can. I want to stress that this does NOT mean that I am stopping this book, this is actually to help me continue it! And I really do hope that this will help me do so.

Guys, just thank you so much for supporting my writing. Sometimes it's the only thing that will make me smile, and it's awesome to see that you like the book too.

Well, I think that's all. See ya!

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