Chapter 2

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As we pull out onto the road, Ross reaches up and turns on the radio. "A nighttime talk show? Really Ross?" He laughs and glances back in the rearview mirror. "Its all thats on at this time of night." "Yeah." I turn and stare out the window. The trees slowly start to turn into a blur as we speed faster and faster down the roads.

"Ross, isn't this a bit fast?" He yanks the wheel over and I slam my leg into the door. "Not at all." He giggles. "Hey, look on the bright side, at least we'll be at your place soon!" I sigh and slowly lean my head against the door. The road provides a soft rumbling sound, which suddenly makes me very tired again. I close my eyes, and hug Ross's jacket closer to me. Its still cold in the car.

My mind starts to wander to my work and how much I still had to get done. How could I have fallen asleep? And in the middle of recording too? Its amazing Adam's screaming in the other room hadn't kept me up. He was playing Happy Wheels with Barney. I think they were doing some SkyVsGaming levels or something. At least that was what they had originally planned.

It starts to get harder and harder to keep my eyes open as I slowly drift into an uncomfortable sleep. My neck is cramped up against the door, and yet I am still falling asleep. I let out a yawn, and feel Ross's hand pull his jacket up farther over my shoulder. It lingers there on my shoulder for a second, and then he goes back to driving. I smile. Why? Right now I could care less. With that, I slowly fall asleep.


"Jin? Jin? You awake?" I jolt up, finding Ross's face inches away from mine. "Huh? Oh, yeah." He looks at me odd, but chuckles anyway. "Man, Jin, you're jumpy tonight." I shake my head to clear the sleep from my eyes. "Yeah. Guess so. Thanks for driving me home Ross." "No problem!" He smiles and steps out of the car doorway. "Hey, Jin, you need someone to drive you to work tomorrow?" I step out of the car door and push it shut. "Yeah, do you know if anyone could come pick me up?"

He laughs. "Me, silly! I'll come get you tomorrow! Five work fine for you?" I look at him, startled. "Five? Are you crazy? Why would we be going into work that early?" His smile grows and he laughs again. "Kidding! Seven good?" I sigh in relief. "Yeah, seven works fine. Thanks again!" "No problem!" He leans up against the car. "If you need anything else, just call!" I smile. "I'm okay for tonight. Bye, Ross!"

I turn to walk towards my house, when he suddenly calls out my name. "Jin?" I turn around. "Yeah?" "How are you going to get into your house without the keys?" I stamp my foot against the ground. "Crap! I forgot about that!" He walks over to my side and puts a hand on my shoulder. "Calm down, Jin. Don't you have a spare key somewhere?" I nervously push my hair out of my eyes. "No, I lost it last month, remember?" He nods. "Oh yeah, I remember that."

I grit my teeth and sigh. Ross pulls his hand off my shoulder and wraps me tightly in a hug. "Huh?" I stagger back a little. "Listen, Jin, we'll find a way into your house. And if not, you can crash at my place for the night." I wrap my arms around him, too. "Thanks, Ross." He pulls away. "No problem! Now, do you have any coins?"

"Huh? What would we need coins for?" He laughs. "I'm kidding! Don't worry, we're not picking the lock! The window is much more efficient!" I look at him, startled. "What?" He breaks out into full-fledged laughter. "Jin! You're so gullible at night! Of course we're not breaking into your house! Come on, you can stay at my place tonight."

CANCELED - Dreaming Of You - Rossbop FanficTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang