Chapter 6

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"Ugh" I groan as I reach over and grab my computer bag, flinging it over my shoulder. I sigh as the strap hits my collar bone. That's going to leave a bruise. I fumble around, barely managing to keep my eyes open as I finish gathering my things. I glance over at the clock. One in the morning. Great. Why did I decide to stay so late? Everyone else went home hours ago.

I check one last time to make sure that I have everything before turning to leave, flipping the light switch into the "off" position before shutting and locking my office door. Turning off the lights as I go along, I stumble into the hallway and out the front entrance, where I lock the doors. Turning around to face the parking lot, I sigh. I'm so tired I completely forgot where my car is. After all, I didn't drive in today, Ross did.

Grabbing my cell phone, I switch on the light and start walking around, desperately looking for the car. The air outside is freezing cold, and I hug my jacket around me tighter. From the corner of my eye, I spot something on the grass. I walk over to it, only to be disappointed by the sight of a trash dump. Definitely not my car.

Where did I park? I can't seem to remember. My head starts to ache from exhaustion, but I keep walking. Finally I come to the end of the parking lot. Still, nothing. My mouth forms into a frown as I turn around once again, heading back through the parking lot. I make it all the way back without finding it, my heart beating faster and my legs aching.

"I give up" I growl under my breath and collapse onto a bench outside. The wind rustles my hair and blows it into my face, making the scenery around me even darker. My phone vibrates in my pocket, and I look down at it. Low battery. "Just wonderful" I throw up my hands and run them through my hair.

What do I do? I can't find my car, my phone's almost dead, meaning no light, and its one in the morning. I'm not acting like myself, I'm way too tired to think of any solution. Shuffling my phone back and fourth in my hands, I look up at the sky. Too much light pollution, you can't even see the stars. Just my luck.

Suddenly, my phone vibrates again. Looking down at it, I see that its a notification about my storage space. I need to delete some photos. Might as well do that now, since I have nothing else to do. I open up the app and start to delete photos, until I come across one that makes me smile. Its of me and Ross, laughing as we look at the massive piles of paperwork behind us.

Wait, Ross! He was up late last night, wasn't he? Maybe he could come help me find my car. Wait, am I being serious? I can't find my own car? I don't need somebody to help me. Then again, it is almost two...

I quickly slide open my contacts before I can contradict myself again and pull up Ross's number. Pressing the "call" button, I wait as the ring tone plays once, twice...


A/N - Heeeeeey! Happy Valentine's Day! I couldn't not update today, could I? Anyways, I just got this huge boost of inspiration for this book, and already have the next couple of chapters planned out. They should be coming out sooner than later, hopefully!

So, a couple things. First, thank you all SO much for 1.4k reads! It means so much to know that you guys like what I'm writing, and gives me a huge amount of inspiration! Thank you!

Second, I should be updating this again tomorrow, if not than Tuesday!

Lastly, I'm planning on doing a Q and A. If you have anything that you want to ask me, leave that down in the comments and I'll answer as many as I can in a future update!

Anyways, that's all. Bye!

CANCELED - Dreaming Of You - Rossbop FanficWhere stories live. Discover now