Chapter 9

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The only reason that I open my eyes is because of the commotion outside the bedroom, and I need to find a way to stop it. I feel horrible, my back aches, my stomach hurts, and I feel like I haven't slept in days. Placing my arms behind me, I use all of my strength to push myself up into a sitting position and rest my head on the wall behind me. Wearily, I glance down at my hurt arm to see it red and bruised. "Wonderful way to start the day" I think to myself as I pull myself out of the bed and onto the floor.

Walking very slowly, I finally reach the door and turn the handle. Outside, in the hallway, there is nothing. All of the commotion must be coming from the kitchen. I walk down the hallway and into the living room. Right away I notice the papers have been cleaned up, stacked in large piles on the couch. Ross's computer is the only thing on the floor now, the rest of the office supplies are no where to be found.

Shrugging my shoulders, I walk start to walk into the kitchen. I can definitely tell this is where the noise is coming from. Just as I am about to walk in, Ross hurries around the corner with about five pots in his hand and smashes right into me. Gritting my teeth, I brace myself for impact. I can't catch myself now. I hit the floor, all of the breath being knocked out from my lungs. I fling my arms up to cover my face from the falling pots and pans dropping from above me.

BAM! Ross stumbles trying to regain his balance and falls flat on top of me. "Umph!" I can barely breathe with his weight on top of me, not to mention having had the breath knocked out of me for a second time in a row. Ross quickly pushes his head up, a look of panic on his face as he looks up at me. "I'msososososorry!" He spits out the words as if they were only one, and pushes himself off of me. Jumping to his feet, he looks around the room, as if expecting something to be there.

Then, he does the strangest thing. He kicks one of the pots aside as sits down next to me on the floor, taking care not to look towards me. I take a breath to say something, but I can see him tense up and decide to stay silent. It's awkward, just sitting there, so after what seems like forever, although it must have only been few seconds, I try to speak again.

"Uh, what's the hurry?" I ask him, still lying on the ground. He looks down at the floor, before glancing over at me. He looks away, but shortly afterwards he looks back again. And this time he stays there, staring at me. "Uh, Ross, are you okay?" I ask him another question, hoping that he will answer.

Finally, he sighs. "Jin, listen, I... Jin, I'm so sorry. I was trying to do something nice for you, I... I was gonna make you breakfast, but then the pot I had wasn't clean so I went to get a clean one but they were all dirty so I was going to wash them all in the bathtub because my dishwasher's still broken from the 'Adam and the spoon' incident and I wanted to hurry because you were gonna wake up and so I...."

"ROSS!" He jumps up, startled at my sudden interrupting him, and gives me a curious look. "Ross, it's okay. I promise. I haven't done anything for you at all, and you've been letting me sleep at your house for the past two days! You don't need to do anything else for me. I appreciate it so much, everything you've done for me. Thank you, Ross. Thank you."

He looks at me, his eyes widening a bit, and I notice that his hand is inching towards mine. I feel my face get hot, and I'm pretty sure Ross notices, because he pulls his hand back and pushes himself off the ground and then offers me a hand up. I smile, and gladly take it.

"Jin, your face is bright red. You must be sick. I'm taking you to the doctor today, period. Besides, you couldn't even drive yourself home last night, or walk into the house. You obviously have something". He gives me a slightly stern look, which doesn't last long as it quickly faded into a smile. "You're right, Ross, I do need to see a doctor".

I paused for a bit, looking down at the ground, before I glance back up at Ross. "But could the doctor wait until after work?" He looks at me odd, giggling to himself. "Haha, sure".

He smiles, before turning to the pots on the floor and sighing. "I'm gonna put these in the bathtub, okay? Then we can head to work". "Alright!" I watch him pick up the pots, and then head towards the hallway.

"Oh, and by the way, Jin?" I raise an eyebrow in confusion. "Yes, Ross?" He chuckles to himself, and says something right before he walks out of the room.

"Thanks for fixing the blanket. There's more thread in the bathroom, by the way".

Hey! It's been a while :p
Anywaaaaaays, I'm so sorry that I haven't uploaded in so long! I'll put out a more detailed reason as to why later, but hopefully you'll understand. I've had alot of stuff going on in my life this past year, and so that's why nothing has made sense in terms of updates.
Saying that, I really hope that you enjoyed this chapter! I plan on starting the next one this week (although I'm pretty sure that I said that with the last chapter lol) so hopefully you'll get another update soon!
Also, spoiler, you guys are gonna hate Adam after the next few chapters... ;)
See you later, and thanks for the massive support on this book!

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