61. happy again

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I told Sophia to meet me outside in the park in this afternoon. I walked out the house waved my dad goodbye and lock the door. I like Jaxx walk with me although he was more like running.

I looked around for Sophia but I couldn't find her. I felt a hand on my shoulder and I jumped it was Sophia.

"Sophia", I whined. She giggled.

"So what do you want to talk about" she said snacking on fruit bar.


"Well it's a good thing I brought my fruit bar we could be here for a while", she joked.

"Anyways", I said.

"Life has not been the greatest thing to me recently well first the whole thing with my dad and Laura and then the whole Sophia thing and now I don't even know what's happening now"

"And something even worse is that well I've been trying and trying and trying to plot a way that Kate can somehow leave her dads, I visited her the other day at her house and she was eating a pop tart and nothing else no water no orange juice apple juice no nothing and well she basically found the pop tart her school it was sitting on the table and she was looking at it and looking at it and she told me she hadn't eaten in weeks and she needed to eat so she stole it because nobody had claimed it and I couldn't bear hearing her say that I wanted to steal her then and there but I needed a plan", I said hard to speak.

"I understand where you're coming from Addison but you can't just you know steal her he'll just get the court right back like she did the last time", Sophia said.

"I know and that's kind why I called you here I need your dad well your stepdad to help us help me actually I need him to come with me on Saturday and you can tagalong too, to um to come with me to Kates house and just see if anything's fishy and there's enough proof to see that Kate's dad is it feeding her and is really really bad and that she needs to come back with us where she belongs", I said.

"Addison you know I would never say no to something like that but our family is going on vacation next week well were leaving on Saturday and early Saturday like 12 o'clock in the morning and it's it's not a good time and I know you can't wait and you can't bear it but maybe there's another way you can do it on your own I mean I can think of ideas I just I can't I've been wanting to go to Barbados for so long and finally we can", Sophia said. I was so disappointed. My plans were shattered.

"I - I - I - it's OK Sophia I promise you I can find plenty of other ways I'm sure I just have to think of them and I have to think of them quickly because I can't Kate can't do this for very much longer it has to be this week and I'm sure I'll find a way I'm Addison Dallas", I smiled.

"Addison Dallas always has a way", she giggled.

She walked back to her house and I walk back to mine. Jaxx fell asleep next to the bench because he didn't want to talk to any other dogs I guess today. he's been pretty anti-social well he isnt really used to this type of scenery he's a Chino dog if you ask me.

I hum to a tune I just thought of at the top of my head. And while I was thinking about ideas and I just thought maybe I could call the cops and they could just search maybe they'll take my request in.

*that Sunday*

Sophia left about two days ago basically. and well I called the cops just now and now I'm on my way to Sophie's house again with jaxx, jaxx is like my guard dog .Yep my dads still with Laura so he hasn't really notice my disappearance.

Once I got to their house I saw the cop cars outside and I ran up to the door I walked in the door was unlocked like usual I've been visiting Kate about two times a week her dads either drunk on the couch or not there or having a party at their pool in the backyard.

I heard noises coming from the dining room I saw Kate on the chair being comforted by a lady cop and then for man cops tanning her dad to a wall.

My face was frightened.

Everyone's head snapped to me and boy was embarrassed.

"Hi I am Addison Dallas I am the one who called I'm sorry I'm late what's happening is exactly", I asked the lady cop.

"Well Miss Dallas I'm very happy you called because you could've saved your little sisters life this young man here was about to stab her for losing his car keys that he gave her to park the car I don't know why he did that he does understand that the kid is seven but whatever", she said kinda mad.

"I'm just glad she's okay", I said giving her a hug.

"Sweetie where is your adult", she asked.

"I came alone but you can give him a call", I said.

They called my dad and he was over in about maybe two minutes. He couldn't even be mad at me if it wasn't for me Kate could've been killed or worse injured and then she'd have to live with that horrible thought of being stabbed even though she still has to live with the thought of almost being stabbed by her father.

Soon they were already setting up Kates appointment for therapy and she'd be living in therapy center for about a week or so Kate has thick-skin so it didn't really get to her head much but it did get her a little bit so they had to work on her brain strength.

Next thing you know me and my dad are back in our house and we're just waiting for Kate to get better I've been counting down the days and my dad keeps on thinking me because he could've been killed and it kind of feels nice.

He had said that he had a very important meeting before but I really know what happened I went through his phone. Laura had tried to cheat on my dad with one of his best friends but of course his best friend told him and showed him the messages in the face time videos they were over big time.

Slowly all the pieces are being put back together on the puzzle my dad Nash are slowly starting to talk again and fortunately I don't have to Nash's house that often and I don't have to see Jake no offense to Jake lovers but I don't like him that much.

Sophia comes back soon and I can't wait to tell her everything about it.

*3 days later*

"What I miss", she asked over the phone.

"My week was absolutely incredibly great", i said smiling.

"Well I did not expect to hear that from you you have not been happy in months", she said honestly.

"I can't even be mad at you for saying that it's true but all the pieces of the puzzle are coming together Sophia, my dad broke up with Laura, Kate comes home from therapy soon oh yeah I forgot to tell you about that we got kate back and my dad and his old best friend you know Nash they're becoming friends again meaning me and Hayes get to see each other soon", I said.

"I'm glad your happy", she laughed.

I haven't been in a while.

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