Will you go out with me?

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The next day I walked to Jacks house to pick him up then we will go to the pet store then the park. So I rang his doorbell and he opened the door and we began walking towards the pet store. We went in and the first thing I see is a room where cats were. I walked over to the room and looked at all the cats my favorite there was a black and white kitten with blue and green eyes. After I looked at the cats I walked over to the bird section where they had little doves Jack was looking at them too. They were really cute. Then me and Jack looked at cat toys for Jasper. I really liked one with a mouse on a stick so Jack got that toy and cat treats. After we bought that we left the store and went to a McDonald's for lunch. After we ate we went to the park. There was a pond and also a playground and a couple of trails. I went to the empty playground and began to swing on the swing set. Jack joined me. We swung for a couple of minutes. After that we went on a trail. While we were walking Jack looked nervous for some reason. But oh well. So we continued on the trail looking at the trees. After a while Jack stopped and looked down he started to blush. I don't know why but I asked if he had a fever he said no. Then he grabbed my arm and said " Will You Go Out With Me?" My heart started beating and I blushed. I answered actually hesitating but answered "yes." We continued walking. We got tired of walking so we headed back home where I asked if he wanted some dinner at my house. So me and him went in when he stepped outside ran down the drive way and to his house. I watched him wondering what the crap he was doing. Then he came back with Jasper. I laughed. Jack said that its like we're the mom and dad and Jasper is the son. I told him I'm not five . I went into the kitchen and told Jack to play video games or something and so he did. I began making dinner which was fish and rice. Jack told me that was his favorite what a coincidence. I then finished making the food and set the table. I yelled for Jack telling him that its ready. We began eating. I made sure to make enough for three since my mom should be coming home from work soon. And also i save a piece if fish for Jasper. We were eating when mom yelled "I'm home" so I got out another plate and put fish and rice on it then set it on the table. Mom came into the dining room looking a little shocked. I introduced her to Jack hesitating because I've never introduced her to anyone I told her that he was my boyfriend. She began to smile. She sat down and begin eating asking him questions like "how did you meet her". After dinner Jack and I played video games while mom cleaned the dishes. At about 8:45 he left. I felt really happy that I have a friend or shall I say boyfriend.

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