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The next day I told Mom that my stomach hurts so she allowed me to stay home. So Mom went to work and I ate breakfast. After a couple of minutes my doorbell rings. I open the door thinking its the mail but instead I get Jack and Jasper. Jack was smiling like an idiot as always. I let him in and he sits in a chair in the living room. I hand him a pancake and give Jasper some tuna. After the two ate I asked for an explanation for why they were here. Jack told me that he called the school saying he was sick. I rolled my eyes and sat on the couch and started watching TV while Jack sat on the couch also. Soon I realize that I fell asleep. I wake up with my blanket on me and Jack sitting next to me asleep. I went back to sleep. We finally wake up around 11:30 we both get up and go to the kitchen. I get a glass and fill it with water while Jack sits down in a chair. I sit in another chair infront of him. Then I get up and go to my closet to get something. I get a pack of cards and go back to the kitchen. I sit down and unpack the cards and ask him what game to play. He tells me to play speed. He smiles and says its a game he made up. He then teaches me the game and we begin. We play until 2:00 and then I started making lunch which was mac n cheese. And for Jasper it was milk. So we ate and after that I told Jack that I had to take a shower so I told him to play video games while I'm in the shower. So I hop in the shower and after awhile the door open. Something was hitting the shower curtains the curtains opened. It was Jasper playing with the curtain. I tried to close the curtain but he kept opening it all the sudden I hear foot steps in the hallway. It was Jack! Oh crap if he sees me Im gonna kill him. Im trying to yank the curtain shut but Jasper keeps hitting it open. All of the sudden I see Jacks shadow. At the top of my longs I scream " DONT LOOK!" Jack backs away and Jasper got scared of me yelling. So after the shower I got dressed and went to the living room. Jack asked what was wrong I told him. He laughed. For a little while we played video games. My stomach wasn't hurting as much and I felt a lot better.

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