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Chapter 1
You were sleeping peacefully in voids arms, it's been about 4 months since Kyle was born.

It was easy taking care of him, the pack helped out a few times and so did you.

After awhile you smiled as you dreamed, your dream was getting good until it was interrupted by the sound of cries causing you to wake up.

"Ugh," you sit up and head to Kyles room.

"Hey there my cute little baby boy." You whispered picking him up and rocking him.

You checked his diaper, it was clean.

"Ahhhhh, so your hungry." You sighed as you walked out of the room and downstairs.

Heading to the kitchen you patted Kyle's back trying to calm him down.

Opening the fridge you grabbed a bottle of milk and smiled, sitting down on the couch in the living room you began to feed him.

He soon quieted down, drinking his milk he cooed and closed his eyes falling back asleep.

Letting a quiet sigh you smiled, It was weird how Kyle only cried a few times at night.

This is Kyle's second time crying and waking you up, most babies would crying for the whole night!!

But Kyle was different.

You still haven't found out if he was a demon fox like void or a werewolf like you!

When Kyle was done eating you stood up and head upstairs, walking to his room you lied him down and covered him up. "Sleep well.." You whispered kissing his head.

Walking to your room you lied back down and closed your eyes trying to sleep and see if your dream about [ F/A ] would come back to you.

[ F/A = Favorite Actor ]

You felt void wrap his arms around you, "Kyle cry again?" He whispered.

"Yeah..." You mumbled back.

"Next time he cried it's my turn.."

All you did is nod in response before drifting off to sleep.

-Next Morning-

The next day you woke up, getting changed you walked to check up on Kyle.

"Morning my little pri-" you stopped mid-sentence to see Kyle gone.

"Oh no..." You rushed out of the room and into Sam's room.

"Sam!!" You shouted, he jolts up awake.

"W-what what? I didn't do it!" He said.

"Where's Kyle?" You asked in a worried tone.

He groans, "He's probably with Max you know how much he likes to take that kid early in the morning..." Sam said as he fell back asleep.

You growled, heading to Max's room you opened the door.

"Max you son of a b-" you were going to shout until you saw him asleep with Kyle right next to him.

Kyle squealed and chewed on his fingers.

"Oh my baby!" You whispered and walked over to him.

"God Max your so going to get it," you whispered as you glared at him as he slept.

Taking Kyle you left to your room, void was still asleep in bed

Smirking you set Kyle down next to voids sleeping form.

Kyle looked at void, crawling over to him he cooed.

You smiled as you sit on the bed and watched.

Kyle pats voids cheek, "M...M...Mmm!" He pats his cheek harder.

You tried not to laugh.

Kyle squealed and grabbed his nose, he grips on it and tried to pull it.

Void moans and shifts around a bit.

Kyle smiled and crawled over to you, picking him up you sit him on your lap.

"I guess daddy's to tired to get up," you looked over at void still asleep.

"Alright plan B," you placed Kyle on voids face, Kyle giggled and tried to crawl up.

As he did his foot would squish voids cheeks, he moved up a bit more until his butt was in his face.

Void groans and opened his eyes, "what the hell?" You laughed softly. "Come on time to wake up." You said taking Kyle and sitting him down.

Void sits up, he was shirtless and you couldn't stop staring at his toroso.

"Staring.." He mumbled.

You blushed and glared at him, "am not!"

He smirked and took Kyle, "morning my little fox." He said kissing his head.

You smiled at void, he stood up and got changed up.

Taking Kyle you cooed at him, "come on Kyle daddy's going to be busy today." You said heading downstairs.

Void followed behind, "found out yet if he was a werewolf or a demon fox?" He asked.

You shook your head, "not yet..." You replied looking down.

"Don't sorry will find out soon." He said giving you a soft kiss making you smile.

Kyle soon interrupted by a small squeal, laughing a bit you held Kyle up.

Void kisses his head, "I'll see you two soon." He said as he left.

Void would always go out and make sure the area was safe also looking for more wolves to join there pack.

Void still tried to be nice to new people but it wasn't very easy, you got used to his anger a few times.

Taking Kyle to the living room you set him inside the play pen. "Be back." You said walking to the kitchen.

Finding Kyle's pacifier you cleaned it up, he didn't really us it unless a flavor was added to the sucking part thing.

Dipping it in some milk you walked back over to him.

"Alright Kyle here's your p-" your eyes widen as you got the play pen.

Looked at Kyle wide eyes he giggled at you and reached up for you.

You kept staring at him.

Kyle had small fox ears and a tail.

"A demon fox..." You whispered out softly.


YAYA!!! First chapter!!
Comment what you think and rate!!

Be updating next chapter soon!!

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