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Chapter 6


After mommy left me with my uncle stiles I was a bit scared.

"So big guy what should we do today?" He asked ruffling my hair.

"Can we color?" I asked nicely.

"Sure," he smiled, "come on let's head to my room have to finish some stuff up." He said as he walked up the stairs.

I followed him behind and looked around, the house was a bit small but it was nice.

I made my way upstairs and into my uncles room, climbing up the bed I sit down and set my stuff down.

"What are you doing uncle stiles?" I asked tilting my head to the side.

Uncle stiles turned around to look at me, "oh well I have to finish some homework." He said sending me a soft smile.

I smiled back at him kindly, "I like your room!" I said happily as I looked around.

He chuckled, "thanks, little guy." He replied.

I stayed quiet as my uncle finished up his work, looking around I began to ge bored, opening up my bag I took out my coloring book and colors.

I began to color a few pictures and hummed softly.


Uncle stiles finished up after awhile, he stood up and cleaned up, I was still on the bed coloring.

My uncle is really boring!!

I want to go home and play with Uncle Sam, or Max! Ohh, and Lucy!

I thought as I looked up at my uncle as he stood infront of me, "sorry little guy I just get really busy today." He mumbled sitting down next to me.

"It's okay!" I said happily, as he lied down I put my stuff away back in my bag and set it down.

Crawling up the bed I sit next to his sleepy form.

"Are you tired?" I asked.

He nods, "yeah, but we can play or watch a movie if you want?" He asked stroking my hair.

"I want to know you!" I said with a smile.

Uncle stiles stared at me, "there's really nothing to know about me..." He whispered.

I crawled on top of his chest and sat on it, placing to hands on his cheek I giggled.

"Please!" I whined as I squeezed his cheeks softly.

Earning a chuckle from him and a smile.

"Alright fine." He took his glasses off and place them to the side.

I stared at him, he look so much like my daddy!!

"Well, I'm 20 years old. Name is stiles well you know that. I'm single, have my eye on this one girl but know it would never happen. It's my first time babysitting you." He smiled as he explained.

I smiled, "who's the girl you like?" I asked happily as I jumped up and down really wanting to know.

Uncle stiles let's out a sigh and pats my head softly, I was pretty small but that didn't matter to me.

"I can't tell you..." He said softly, letting a sigh and looking away.

"Aww, I promise I won't tell..." I whispered as I pretended to zip my lips.

Uncle stiles smiled, "alright fine! But it's a secret between us okay?"

"I pinky promise!!" He held out his pinkie and giggled as my uncle wrapped his pinkie around mine.

"Pinki promise." He repeated.

"Okay can I know now?!" I asked.

"Calm down!" He chuckled as he tried to calm me down.

"Okay, okay..." I stopped and waited for an answer.

He let's out a deep sigh, "I'm in love with your mommy..."


Sorry for late update!!!
Promise to update more often because I've been busy!!

Also happy Halloween!!

And enjoy this chapter!!!

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