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Chapter 7
Wow you guys sure do get strict on things I write😂👌
I stared at my uncle with wide eyes and a smile spreading across my face.

"You love my mommy!" I said and stood up as I jumped around the bed.

"You love my mommy! You love my mommy!" I sang.

"Hey! Kyle stop!" Uncle stiles ordered as I stopped jumping and looked down.

My uncle stiles didn't act like an uncle he was just like my daddy, he looked like him, acted like him, and smelt like him.

Why is everything so different?

I thought and looked up at my uncle, I walked over to him and hugged him.

He didn't hug back after a few seconds he wrapped his arms around my small form and hugged me tight.

"I love you daddy...." I whispered nuzzling my face into his chest.

Uncle stiles didn't say anything, he just held me closer and sighed. "I love you too..." He whispered.

I smiled and giggled a bit, "let's play!" I said breaking the hug from him with a smile on my face. But soon it disappeared when I saw uncle stiles crying.

"Uncle stiles?" I said softly as I looked into his eyes.

He wiped his tears away, "I'm fine.." He replied with a smile. "What do you want to play?" He asked.

I stood in my tippy toes and tried to help him clean the tears away just like a help mommy when she is crying.

Uncle stiles laughs softly and grabbed my tiny hands, "I'm okay I'll do it." He replied cleaning them away.

"There now what should we play?" He asked.

I smiled as he got better, "I want to play hide-and-go-seek!!" I giggled.

"Alright I count and you hide!" Said uncle stiles as I nodded and climbed down the bed and ran out the bedroom door.

This is going to be fun!


After void and I finished I was lying in bed panting, trying to catch my breath for awhile.

"Oh my god..." I groaned out as I sit up.

Void came back in and kissed me softly, "thanks..." He mumbled with a smirk.

"Hey I'm always helping you out!" You said pushing back a bit and chuckled.

He sits down next to you and lied back down. "Going to pick up Kyle soon?" He asked.

"Yeah after I shower and get changed up," getting out of bed your legs were shaky.

Looking over at void with a glare he only smirked back, "you said you wanted it hard.." He replied shrugging.

"Not that hard..." You replied as you walked to the bathroom.

Hopping into the shower you turned the water on and smiled as you got washed up.

After 10 minutes you walked out with a towel around you, void was still in bed wrapped up in the blankets.

"You should change when I come back with Kyle I don't want to see you naked." You ordered as you grabbed some cloths to change In to.

He chuckled, "don't worry I will.." He whispered.

You walked over to him and pecked his lips, "I'll be back going to pick up Kyle." You mumbled as he smiled.

"Be safe." He said before you left the room and headed downstairs.

Getting outside you started the car and hummed as you began to drive down the empty road and into beacon hills.


When you go to the stilinski's place you took in a deep breath and got out of the car when you got there.

Walking over you knocked on the door, no answer.

You began to worry did stiles leave without you knowing?!

You gulped as you turned the door nob and walked inside.

"Hello?" You whispered.

You took a step in until you heard the sound of faint giggles.

Walking over to the stair case, you began to walk up as you heard the giggles getting louder.

When you got to stiles room you opened the door to see stiles tickling Kyle as Kyle giggled and laughed softly.

"S-s-s-stop!! I-I- I'm going pee!!!" He shouts between laughs.

You smiled as you saw the two of them having fun, it's been awhile you haven't stiles like this.

"Alright," stiles stopped and chuckled. He glanced at the clock, "whoa your mother should be back soon." He said.

Kyle sits up, "awwww!!"

You chuckled as you opened the door wider, "time to go Kyle."

Stiles turned to look at you, "y/n! How did you get in?" He asked.

"Oh, well I knocked and no one answered so I got worried and came in..." You looked down. "Sorry..."

Stiles shook his head, "it's fine..." He reined as Kyle ran over to you and hugged your legs.

"Did you have fun with uncle stiles?" You asked Kyle.

Kyle nodded quickly, "yes!!" He said happily, "can't I stay for a few more hours?" He said giving me puppy eyes.

"No, it's getting late." You said picking him up. "You don't want your father to be mad if we come late do you?" I asked.

Kyle whimpered, "okay..." He said.

You grabbed his backpack and smiled at stiles, "say bye bye Kyle.." You whispered.

Setting Kyle down he ran over to stiles and hugs his legs. "Bye, uncle stiles..." He whispered.

Stiles hugs him back, "see you soon little pup." He said.

You smiled at the nickname he gave him. "Come on Kyle time to go." You said as he ran over and smiled as he ran out the room.

"Hey, y/n," stiles said softly.

Turning to look at him you rasped a brow, "yeah?" You asked. "I was wondering if tomorrow I can spend more time with him? I mean..." He rubbed his neck.

You smiled, "I'll see." You replied. "Thanks for taking care of him stiles." You said, "see you soon." You waved at him.

Stiles waved back before you left downstairs and outside to see Kyle already getting inside the car.


Two chapters done!! Planning on updating another four maybe since it's Halloween!!!

Anyways have fun!!

Also might not update tonight so yeah!!

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