Chapter 6

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Once in Michael’s office, he motioned towards the leather chair that I had sat in on my first day of work. Sophie gracefully slid into the seat and Michael began pacing around his office like a caged tiger. I decided to remain standing in case Michael exploded like he’d been prone to in college and a fast escape was necessary. Woe to the person who encountered Michael Donahue mid-tantrum. I focused on the sound of Michael’s clock ticking. One minute, then two had gone by before he finally came to a halt and said spitefully, “You have no case.”

Sophie shrugged. “Don disagrees,”

 “No one would believe you.”

“Why not?” Sophie asked indignantly, crossing her slender legs at her ankles.

“You don’t exactly have the best record of telling the truth.” Michael taunted and for the first time, it looked as if the cobra had landed a hit. 

Sophie ground her teeth and said, “Honestly? You have no idea what you’re talking about.” 

“I think I do.”

“You don’t.” 

“Regardless,” Michael replied, “I’m calling your bluff.” 

“I’m not bluffing,” Sophie said simply as she looked down at her left hand and used her thumb to chip away at the coral polish coating her other fingernails. Michael hesitated. 

“Sure you are,” he started, though he sounded less confident than he had before.

“Nope,” Sophie replied, still focused on her nails. “I’m not. Unlike you, I have nothing to lose. If Parker can’t legally represent me, I want you to be my agent.” 

“First of all, no, you’re crazy. Second, you have to realize that another lawsuit will destroy whatever’s left of your career.” 

“Not having an agent will destroy it pretty quickly, too, don’t you think?” 

Michael fiddled with a button on his shirt's sleeve and I could tell that he was still trying to find a way to sleaze his way out of this.

“You’ve only booked one job in six months and you lost it,” he pointed out after a beat. “Why would I take you on? It’s a liability.”

“I only booked one movie during that time because my agent was awful at his job,” Sophie retorted. “And cast changes happen all the time, that’s not a real reason to reject me. I had an Academy nomination at sixteen, you really think I can’t come back from this?”

“Haven’t you ever heard of a one-hit wonder? 

Another point for the cobra: Sophie seethed at the comparison and whispered dangerously, “You know I’m better than that.”

“You are,” Michael admitted, “but that doesn’t mean I want to put in a ton of work for no pay out.”

Sophie gnawed furiously on her lip and I saw a droplet of blood begin to form at the corner. Engrossed by the sight of the swelling burgundy bubble, I blurted without thinking, “Why not put her on probation?”

The blonde and my boss turned to look at me incredulously.

“What?” Sophie asked, confused.

“She already is,” Michael said at the same time and Sophie’s cheeks darkened with embarrassment. 

Score: 3-1, cobra.

“What are you talking about, Parker?” Michael demanded, folding his arms defensively across his chest.

I continued reluctantly, “Well, you don’t want her as a client because she’s only had one job in six months, right? But if that really is only because Sophie’s agent sucked, then shouldn’t she have better luck with you? I was just thinking, why not give her a six-month trial period?” 

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