Dark Link catch up p.1

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A/n: I'm posting this while in class because my teacher is freaking amazing and let's us play on out phone and listen to music

Dark Link catch up p.1

Your first kiss:
You were doing homework while Link was whining, saying you should pay attention to him more then some dead tree. You heard Link stand up and you sighed with relief, thinking you were about to get some quiet when he picked you up and threw you over his shoulder. Setting you down, you didn't even have time to get a sentence out before he grasped your face and kissed you.

You wear something of theirs:
His gloves

Holding hands:
The two of you hold hands a lot, especially in public. You almost died laughing the first time you held hands in public because even though Link always claims to be 'super manly' you could see red tinting his cheeks.

His favorite color on you

Pick up line:
You're hotter than the bottom of my laptop

Disney Movie you two watch:
The Lion King

He gets you flowers
Amaryllis{splendid beauty}

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