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The dreams had gotten more frequent. They had gotten more vivid. It worried her.She hadn't known him all his life but now she feels like she has. Sometimes she wishes she didn't have the dreams.

She isn't sure why she has them or how it works but she knows that those questions will forever go unanswered.

Sometimes, the dream is so intense that it overwhelms her and she wishes for it to stop.

They don't stop.

But she knows there will be that one dream that will make her look at everything a different way.

And it finally happens.

She wakes up the next morning in her dorm room, trying to piece together everything. It is so hard to remember the earlier dreams that it makes her head hurt.

As she gets dressed, she remembers all too well what the dream was and she doesn't think she will look at he the same way ever again.

She wants it all to stop.

Moving On (Slow Updates...) [Book 3]Where stories live. Discover now