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2 months.

That's how much longer she has. That's her deadline. She has to find out why before she can do anything about it. She wants to make his dislike for this day to the reason why he should get out of bed and celebrate this day.

But when she asked him about it, he told her he doesn't do anything special and pretends it is  another ordinary day.

But that night, the dreams come back. She thought it would help, but she had already seen it: the day Stoick disowned Hiccup.

She had heard about it then saw the night it had happened.

But when that memory had ended, one that she hadn't seen before showed itself to her and to be forever remembered.


"Bring her in quickly!"

"She's losing too much blood!"


Everything in the E.R is chaos. A woman in her mid-twenties is rushed to the E.R. It was a car crash. She is badly injured.

A man sits in the waiting room, pacing. Worried for his wife to be alright. Then he remembers he has a child. He was worried and forgot that his son was sitting in the hospital chair, looking worried, scared, and confused. He loved his son dearly and he knows that if she doesn't survive-well that's just it. He doesn't know what he will do.

He walks over to his child and kneels in front of him. His green eyes stare into his.

"What happened to mommy?" The little boy asks.

"She got a boo-boo. But she will get better."

"Promise?" The little boy asks, still looks confused.

"I  promise, Hiccup."


As Astrid walks outside into the cold December air, she pulls her jacket closer to her, hoping to keep warm. Then she hears a familiar squeak. She turns around and sees Hiccup rushing over to her. Her dream comes back briefly when she sees him.

"Hey." She says to him once he reaches her.

He smiles and they walk.

"Hey, can I ask you a question?"

"You just did." Astrid punches his shoulder. 

"What is it with you and violence?" Hiccup says while he holds his shoulder that she has abused many, many times before.

"It's not violence, it's communication."

"Yeah, sure. And Ruffnut will  get a date with Eret."

Astrid rolls her eyes. "Anyway, my question."


"Why don't you like celebrating your birthday?"

"Well, besides that fact that I only celebrate it every four years, I never have celebrated it. And I don't plan on to just because I don't live with Tom anymore."

So it has to do with Tom? She voiced her thought.

"No, not specifically. And honestly, it doesn't matter. You don't need to do anything for my birthday. I'm used to it."

"That's just it Hiccup. You shouldn't be used to it. You should be planning what you want to do for your birthday."

"The only thing I should be planning is what I should bring Heather for our date tomorrow." Astrid completely forgot about that. 

She doesn't know what to think. She knows that if she she didn't blow up at Hiccup, the would still be together.

Hiccup must of realized what he said because he apologizes soon after.

They walk in silence for the rest of their walk in the cold winter air. 

All Astrid wants is for him to figure it out.


Hiccup and Heather's date was everything but perfect. Far from it. Hiccup realized he made a mistake with going out with Heather.

It's not the fact that she is rude-well, that depends.

It's how she got Hiccup to go out with her.

As Hiccup walked to the clearing that the two are having a picnic. It's early December and the snow hasn't fallen yet. The weather is still nice but it is still chilly. He sits down and waits for Heather. 5 minutes later, she shows up.

They start talking and Heather mentions something about Astrid. Hiccup looks up at her.

"What?" He says, shocked.

"I said: Why did you like Astrid anyway?"

Hiccup looks even more shocked. First they were talking about something stupid yet adorable that Toothless did, now here they are, talking about his ex girlfriend.

"Why are you bringing this up?"

"Well, obviously she doesn't like you enough to ask you out earlier. And from what you told me, she said some pretty hurtful things."

'First: I told you that she said that because she was tired. You kept telling me that she meant it or she wouldn't of said it. And that was before we worked everything out. It was still when it hurt. Now we are just friends."

"But if she really liked you, she would of tried to get you back. You would not believe what I did to get you to go out with me." She must of been to happy to realize what she said until it came out of her mouth.

Hiccup narrow's his eyes. "What exactly did you do?"

"Why did you think I was hanging out with you so often?" She doesn't seem to care anymore about what she is saying. "I did it so Astrid would get upset and break up with you so we could go out. She obviously doesn't care about you enough. Didn't you realize how much she punches you, or did that effect your brain?" She snaps.

"She punches my shoulder because it's her way of showing she..." He realizes something. He stands up abruptly and heads to his car. Heather hurries over, gets in front of him and blocks the door.

"Where are you going?" She says deathly calm. He gives her a blank look.

"I need to get somewhere." He gets her out of the way, gets in his car and drives off, leaving a fuming Heather.


Astrid sits on her bed, sulking.

Ruffnut is still trying to get Eret's attention while he tries to avoid her. It's pretty funny to watch.

But that leaves Astrid alone. Hiccup is off on his date with Heather.


Of all people.

She snaps out of her trance when someone knocks on her door. She gets up and walks to the door. She doesn't expect to see Hiccup standing there.

"Hiccup, what are you d-" She is interrupted by Hiccup kissing her.



Sorry for the slow updates.

Remember when I said I am doing NaNoWriMo?

I just realized how awful my story is.


But anyway.

I hope you liked this chapter.

I have been looking forward to writing this part.

Bye Moopas.

(Please, don't ask)

Moving On (Slow Updates...) [Book 3]Where stories live. Discover now