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Having a close relationship with a family member is normal for most families.

Unless your Hiccup.

Not growing up with his father or mother never have him the chance to be closer to his family. Then he lived with his father yet again but only for about half a year. But thanks to his horrible luck, he lost his father.

He knows the main reason why his father left him when he was younger was because he missed Valka. And he was hurt. But know, Stock and Valka are together again.

He still has family though.

He has his cousin, Snotlout, and his uncle. Snotlout's dad, Spitelout.

At first, Snotlout didn't like Hiccup. At all. And Hiccup has never talked - or seen really - Spitelout.

But things have changed. Some good. Some... Not so much.

Considering how hesitant Snotlout was to fix things with Hiccup, because he thought that Hiccup shouldn't forgive him.

That didn't stop Hiccup from getting him to believe that Hiccup did forgive him.

The two eventually bonded over laser tag. Not Hiccup's favorite thing to do - it involves running and running with a metal leg is not the most stealthy or at all easy.

Snotlout afterwards, mentioned to Hiccup that the reason why he was able to get him as many times as he did was because of the squeaking when he walked.

Hiccup defended himself by saying that he was never sneaky.

Everything seemed to be getting better.

And it looked as if it was going to stay that way for awhile. But of course, nobody wants to admit that it never does get better right away. Something will be thrown in the way to test to see if you will be able to make it better before it gets worse.

Frankly, no one knew what really was coming.

Not hing else to be said on that topic.


It was 5 below zero on the 29th.

It didn't effect Hiccup's mood at all. He never did anything different on this day then he did any other day.

Astrid thought that she should change that.

So, she had the Fishlegs distract him as Astrid and Ruffnut start decorating the common room in their dorm on campus. Other people are helping too that they became friends with since they got to college. But Astrid said the most important thing was to keep Hiccup busy while they set everything up.

Yes, Astrid knows what happened on this day 15 years ago. She knows that he has a perfectly good reason for not celebrating his birthday. But she doesn't want this day to be sad all day. Especially because his birthday is once every four years.

But she wants it to be special.

But getting Hiccup to stay busy turned out to be harder than she thought.

"Fishlegs! You are supposed to be distracting Hiccup! What are you doing here?" She yells at home once she sees him running into the room, hands on his knees as he tries to catch his breath.

"I was distracting him. For like fifteen seconds." He says sheepishly.

"I told you to distract him! Why are you here?"

"I didn't know what to say."

"So what did you do?"

"I may or may not of pushed him into a bush."

"Fishlegs." Astrid groans. She is worried that her boyfriend could walk in the room and see what they were doing and ruin everything.

"Astrid!" Ruffnut yells. "I see Hiccup!" Astrid runs out the door - while grabbing her coat - and runs out the door and sees Hiccup walking to the building.

When he sees her, he smiles and kisses her forehead.

"Hey Hiccup. What are you doing here?"

"What? I can't be curious as to where my beautiful girlfriend is?" Astrid feels her cheeks warm up. She blames it on how cold it is. It is definitely not from blushing.

Astrid Hofferson does not blush.

"You have something in your hair." She says, spotting a leaf from the bush.

"Yeah. Do have any idea as to why Fishlegs would shove me into a bush?" He says while Astrid reaches up to pick out the pieces of bush. Astrid snorts.

"Not a clue."


So sorry for the long wait.

I have been busy.

And because I am going to high school next year, we have been doing placement tests.

And I had diving.

And I was watching American Horror Story.

BTW. Evan Peters is awesome and hot.

You can't deny it.

But yet again. Sorry for not updating. I also had writers block.

And this story will be a lot shorter then the others.

But there will be a sequel.

So don't worry.

Any way...
Going to see the 5th wave tomorrow.


Bye Scrunchth Muffins

Speakth Shakespeare.

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