will you marry me?

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currently, luke sat with his arm around michael's shoulder at a baseball game.

michael had begged his taller boyfriend to join him to watch a game.

("michael you don't even like baseball." "so, i enjoy seeing men in tight pants.")

luke smirked when he remember just how he showed his boyfriend the only man he was allowed to look at.

he groaned and threw his head back.

"mike, this is boring."

"shush, number 24 is up to bat."

"is that cute brunette or short latino?"

"short latino."

luke chuckled and rubbed michael's left arm.

he bit his lip as he slipped his hand into his right front pocket, feeling the velvet box that's been laying around in his pants for the past 3 weeks.

luke's been planning on proposing to michael for a while now.

only he just got the ring.

he doesn't feel safe leaving it anywhere so he's just been carrying it around in his pocket.

normally, he'd carry the ring around in a small ziploc bag, but today, he placed the ring in it's rightful box.

he doesn't know when there's a good time, he could barely figure out what size to get.

the 23 year old couldn't even choose out a ring, his mom had to.

still, he's been a nervous wreck especially since he can never keep secrets from his lover.

he's somehow managed to these last few weeks surprisingly.

calum and ashton have each volunteered to care for said jewelry but after the fourth day the 25 and 24 year olds misplaced the damn thing.

luckily, luke's mom had suggested to luke for insurance which he thankfully got.

only now, he's worried.

michael's made some not-so-subtle hints about marriage but luke just hasn't been able to work up the courage to actually ask him.

stupid fear, luke thought.

his train of thought was interrupted by a loud cheering from beside and around him.

he hastily snapped back to reality and clapped when seeing that the game was finally over.

they'd been there already for nearly 4 hours.

michael stood up and clapped, "luke, get up. can't you at least pretend you're excited to be here?"

"mikey, i'm tired and aggravated. neither you or i even enjoy this game. i don't know why you even made us come, it was a literal waste of time."

the small man pouted and huffed before turning on his heel and heading toward the entrance of the stadium.

luke sighed and slowly made his way to where his clearly upset boyfriend left to.

he found michael by the doors with his arms crossed over his chest, his foot tapping to a nonexistent beat.

"let's go," he spoke as soon as luke approached him.

nodding, luke took a hold of michael's outstretched hand and followed him to the car.

"i'm still mad, but you know that i have to hold your hand when i'm upset."

luke chuckled, "of course, baby."

he gently squeezed the other boy's hand as they walked side-by-side.

gulping silently, luke released his hold of michael's hand and dig his hand in his pocket, pulling out the box and getting on one knee.

"luke, why'd you-"

michael turned around.

"michael clifford," luke took a deep breath, "will you marry me?"

the bleached blonde's mouth went ajar.

his emotions flooded him all at once as he barely squeaked out a 'yes.'

luke felt so relieved after michael said that, that he almost forgot to place the ring on michael's left hand.


luke leaped to his feet as he slid the finger on and immediately felt two arms wrap around his neck and he found himself snaking his arms around michael's waist.

"i love you so much."

"i love you so much, you don't know how long i've been waiting for you to ask me."

luke laughed, "well, princess gets what princess wants."

michael blushed and gently shoved luke before leaning in and enclosing the gap between his and his fiance's lips.

muke one shotsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora