you're not coming home with me tonight

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luke adjusted his headset as he listened to the radio host introduce him.

he smiled upon hearing that his album had just hit #1 in the u.s.

"thank you so much, if it wasnt for the fans i wouldnt be where i am now. i know thats a cliche and all but i genuinely mean it, from the bottom of my heart i have an enormous amount of gratitude. thank you," luke blabbered.

the radio host smiled before reading some questions off of twitter for the blonde.

"ooh here's a good one, what does a girl have to do to get your attention and stand out amongst others, thats from lukespain on twitter."

luke awkwardly laughed, "um okay, uh, i probably should have mentioned this earlier, but, im kinda gay. but you know what, i can appreciate a pretty person when i see them, so just somebody being themselves in an environment where people would normally look down on them for that - i think that shows character and an amazing trait i think everyone should have."

as the questions continued, luke surely didnt miss the radio host's eyebrow raise and smirk upon hearing luke's confession.

by 2pm, luke's session was done, and he was more than ready to leave.

"well thank you, mr. hemmings, it was an honor to meet you," the radio host announced once she had gone off the air, "quite an announcement you made, no?"

luke gritted his teeth, "i didnt have much of a choice, did i?"

with that, luke thanked the others for having them before making his way toward the lobby. he waited for the clear to go to the car and rushed to it.

ding, luke pulled his phone out and sighed upon reading the text message he had just received.

from: michael
   hey, just listened in on the radio show. call me when you can - thanks! michael xx

luke cleared the message and leaned his head back and waited until he arrived to the hotel.

after he hopped out of the shower, luke quickly changed into basketball shorts and pulled out his phone.

he created a new message

to: logan
  hey im back at the hotel if you wanna stop by. id love to see you, i can order us some food and rent a movie ?

he hit send and set his phone down for not even a minute before it dinged.

from: logan
  hey! ofc just give me about a half hour or so and ill be there, see ya soon ❤️

luke smiled and sent a kiss emoji in response. his thoughts were interrupted by a knock at the door, his eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

he slowly walked to the door and looked through the peephole - michael.

he sighed and opened the door.

"luke!" michael engulfed him in a tight hug as he greeted luke.

luke bitterly smiled and pat michael's back,
"hey, what are you doing here?"

"i dont know if you got my text message but i heard your radio interview. that mustve been hard for you, to be put on the spot like that. why didnt u just answer the question?"

rolling his eyes and plopping down on the small couch, luke responded "because id be lying, ive been lying to everyone for so long, and dont u see how nobody's taking it in a bad way, i havent received any negative backlash."

michael shrugged and sat next to luke, resting his hand on luke's thigh.

"ive missed you, luke."

luke scoffed, "really? i couldnt tell from your interviews where you called my music childish and distasteful. you've been trashing my name every chance you get ever since we ended things."

michael frowned as he listened to luke's lecture, "luke, i just did that because i was angry. i didnt mean any of it."

"no, you knew that doing things like that would catch my attention and get me to call you, but newsflash, michael, thats not a good thing. we ended things for a reason."

again, michael frowned but began pouting once luke shoved his hand off of his lap.

luke sighed and stood up, "mike, i dont mean to be a dick but you broke up with me! you didnt want me anymore, i respected that, but now you find out that im with someone and you suddenly want me back?"

"i didnt realize you and logan were serious, is that why you came out?" michael's heart tugged at hearing that luke was willing to come out because of how much he liked someone.

luke scratched the back of his head, "kind of, i do like logan a lot, but we've only been dating for a few months, im not ready to go public yet."

michael opened his mouth to respond but was interrupted by a knock on the door, followed by "its logan!"

"you have to leave, now."

michael smirked, "as you wish, master."

michael quickly unbuttoned the top buttons of his shirt and messed up his hair.

luke watched in confusion as michael took off his shoes, "what are you doing? michael,"

smiling as he slipped his belt off, michael walked toward the door, "im just obeying your orders and leaving."

michael then opened the door and immediately began panting as he held his belt and shoes in hand.

"oh hi, sorry we didnt order room service, but whatever you've brought: charge it to him," michael said pointing at luke.

logan took a step back, "luke?"

luke ran toward him and gripped his arm as he prepared to leave, "logan, no please. its not what you think, you have to let me explain."

shaking his head, logan replied "im not blind, luke, im also not stupid - i can take a hint."

"no, baby, please, he's crazy. nothing happened, i swear. michael, leave, now! i dont want you to ever talk to me or about me again."

michael sputtered as he watched logan believe luke, "but luke, i-i just,"

"michael, dont make me tell you again. i want you out of here!"

michael turned and walked away. he glanced back to see luke leading logan into his room.

he wiped away the tear that had slipped down his face.

poor guy, it was his fault anyway.

he dumped luke and he wanted him back once he saw that he really wasnt his anymore.

he just wanted his attention.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2017 ⏰

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