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luke lived off the high life.

literally and figuratively.

he loved the feeling of rush and adrenaline running through his veins as much as he loved suspense.

he also loved when he was so gone that he couldnt remember if he had 6 fingers or if the thumb didnt count.

most of these events took place in the lovely place that luke calls his primary school.

he'd jump the fence and just sit on the bleachers by himself.

sometimes high, sometimes sober, always sad.

luke just couldnt find it in him to care.

if there was two things he really didnt care about, it would be anything happening when he's sober and everything else.

he doesnt really understand why, though, his parents love him, a lot actually.

he has two older brothers that bully him to the right extent, he graduated high school in the top 3% of his class, he finished college a year ago.

he's free. but at the same time, he's not.

luke has decided he really only has one reason and priority in his life: michael.

his other half of 2 years.

the two were inseperable but you actually wouldnt ever see them together.

luke has made it his constant mission to assure that his 25 year old boyfriend was taken care of without the necessity of it being so public.

the 24 year old knew it was love that constantly drove him to behave and act as he did.

but whether he was thrusting into michael slowly or fast or holding michael's hand or simply having the privilege to be around michael, luke still let his heart do the deciding.

his heart, however, was becoming fragile, his fingers more unstable as his smoking turned from weed to cigarettes, from beers to tequila, from hugging to hitting.

luke's heart was broken.

so was michael's.

michael couldnt fathom why the love of his life laid a hand on him.

his arm permanently holds a cigarette mark, his heart a permanent hole.

nobody liked the idea of michael dating luke.

everyone despised luke being with michael.

michael was too much of an angel.

he was too precious.

for the world, for his life, for him.

luke still allowed his heart to decide for him when he made michael the owner of his heart.

he allowed his heart to decide everything.

he just didnt expect it to decide on a permanent hole in his skull.

yikes okay this was not how i expected it to go at all im actually shaking this was so unexpected.

umm this is ridiculously short but i really wanted to post something.
leave me one shot ideas please 😘😘

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