Love Me Forever? (Olly Murs Fanfic)

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This is my first story so im sorry if its rubbish! leave comments & rate it please! any suggestions of what you'd like to happen in the story dont be afraid to tell me :)



As i sat down to watch x-factor all I could think about was why olly hadn't auditioned yet? He was an amazing singer. I still remember the first time i met him and the first time he sang in front of me as if it was yesterday.

*4years earlier* 

As soon as I entered the pub my eyes were fixed to him, I didn't know who he was but something about him had me mesmerised, he was taller than me, blonde/brown hair, had the most amazing smile amd the way he dressed is exactly the type of clothes i loved, i hated people in tracksuits or jeans below there butts. All my mates had noticed me staring at him and was all telling me to go and talk to him but I was too shy for that! after about 2 hours me and the girls was just on our way out to go to the next pub when all of a sudden I was on the floor. My best mate abbie had pushed me straight into him! oh I felt like an idiot and could feel my cheeks burning. 

"Oh are you okay love? let me help you up" He said as he held out his hand. 

"uh uh umm yes im fine thank you, im sorry I should really watch were im going, im so clumsy" I replied as he helped me up. 

"My names olly by the way and your name is?" he asked with a smile on his face. 

"charlotte but everyone calls me charly" I said with a stupid grin on my face. I couldn't believe I was talking to this stunning guy, butterflies was in my stomach but I liked it.  

"Charly, I like that name, can I buy you a drink?" he asked. 

"Sorry olly but I should really go, my frien...." I stopped mid sentence as I noticed the girls had left me!  

"Well your friends have left you so what about that drink?" He quickly said. 

I accepted the drink and we just sat down all night talking about everything and anything. I had only known him a few hours but it felt I'd known him all my life. We swapped numbers at the end of the night and well a few dates later we was a couple.

We was sat in my apartment one friday night just having a quiet drink. About midnight he was umm lets just say he had more than enough to drink! He stummbled down the hallway into my bedroom so I just figured he was getting into bed. I started tidying up when all of a sudden, olly ran into the living room nearly falling onto his face in nothing but my pink PJ bottoms, no top on and he started singing the song "I will always love you" by Whitney Houston he stummbled over after singing and whispered in my ear 

"Charly I meant every word of that song, I Love You Forever and dont ever forget it" 

He kissed me and walked off into my bedroom. I don't know what shocked me more, his amazing singing voice even if he was drunk it was still amazing or the fact he said he loved me. We had only been together a few months but neither one of us had said I Love You. Of course I loved him but I was to scared to say it first because I didn't know how he'd react, would he freak out and just leave, say it back, I just didn't know so I just stuck it in the back of my mind. After an hour of washing the glasses up, throwing the last of our chinese we had ordered into the bin and just had a quick mop of the kitchen I finally climbed into bed, he looked so peaceful, I kissed his forehead and whispered trying not to wake him up "Goodnight babe.. oh I love you too"  

"I heard that, do you really mean it?" he smiled looking at me with his beautiful greeny blue eyes  

"Of course I do olly, with all my heart" I replied. 

He put his arm around me and I fell asleep on his chest.

The next morning I woke up to an empty place next to me. I checked the time 10.18am. I walked down the hallway to see olly making us breakfast, I told him all about last night as he couldnt remember one bit of it. He looked shocked when I mentioned the singing because he always said he would never sing in front of anyone because he thought he was rubbish and then I got to the I Love You bit.... 

"Babe you also said you loved me" I told him with my head down. 

"Aww darlin' why are you looking at the floor? Do you think I was lying when I said it? because honestly... I love you more than anything, charly you are my life!" he was saying as he walked over to me and pulled me into a big hug, he kissed my forhead so gently I looked up to him and knew he was telling the truth. 

Ever since that night, he has sung to me nearly everyday because he knew I loved his singing so much. After months of singing around the house he stopped one day and called me into the living room 

"Charly, I know what I want in life" he said with a grin on his face. 

"whats that oll's?" I looked at him expecting a stupid answer. 

"I want to be a singer" he said 

as I ran towards him he opened his arms out so I could hug him 

"That is a brilliant idea oll, you've got the talent go for it!" I gave him a big kiss and we snuggled down talking about it.

Im sooo sorry if its rubbish! it is my first one so I will try make it better as the story goes on.

Love Me Forever? (Olly Murs Fanfic)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin