How could he?

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It was now 2012 He had 2 albums out, sold out tours and now he was writing his 3rd album. God I missed him while he was in the studio, we was on our 6 year anniversary dinner date and he took me to this posh restaurant near our house we had bought a year after x-factor. He was very quiet tonight and I didnt know why. We finished our food and took a nice walk in the park, screaming girls came running up to him asking for his autograph and pictures, I didn't mind it but sometimes I just wish we could have a normal life back but it all comes with his job. We got home and sat watching our favourite film the goonies, We started laughing at chunck doing the truffle shuffle, our favourite bit. He turned to me and said.... 

"Charly we need to talk" he had tears in his eyes. 

oh no this is it hes dumping me 

"What is it babe?" I said trying to hold my fear back. 

"I think we need to split up. Its nothing you've done its me, I've done something terrible" he said crying even more 

"Oll...What have you done?" I replied puzzled 

"Well I um...." he stopped talking to wipe away my tears, I pushed his hand away. 

"Olly what have you done just tell me please!" I shouted at him so angry and upset with tears falling from my eyes. 

"I um... kind of cheated on you" He dropped his head in shame. 

"kind of? KIND OF? its either you did or you didnt! theres no in between" I cried running off and locking myself in the bathroom.  

"Babe open the door so I can explain" he said as he knocked the bathroom door. I unlocked it and he came walking in. 

"You have no right to call me babe, you cheated on me! you just dumped me, we have been together 6 years olly! you said you loved me forever, what have I done to deserve this?" I said sobbing, the tears just would not stop falling from my eyes. 

"Im sorry charly, I just couldnt live with the fact that I cheated on you, you didnt deserve this, I feel guilty and I do love you! it was a stupid drunken mistake" he replied holding my hand. 

"well obviously you dont love me or you wouldnt have done it!" I shouted walking off, he grabbedy arm n pulled me in for a hug, I had no energy to move so I just stood there with my hands by my side.

I finally wriggled out of his arms, I went to bed and he slept in the spare room. I finally fell asleep about 4am, I woke up the next morning to an empty house. I walked into the kitchen to make a cup of tea, there was a note on the side. 

"Charly, I know ive broken your heart and I am truely sorry, you didnt deserve this. You deserve someone better than me, I do love you and I always will. I hope you can forgive me? ive gone back to my mums xxxxx"

forgive him?? how could I forgive him. after all ive done for him! I had been with him through all his bad days and good days. I done everything for him. I left my family and friends in essex to move to london with him! I still couldnt believe it. I rang his mums house to speak to him and he answered, soon as I heard his voice I froze I just couldnt speak to him yet and I hung up. I Missed him so much but i just needed my space. It was hard to me to get to sleep thinking about him and her together. I didnt ask who she was, i didnt want to know, it would only have mad me more upset because what if it was someone i knew? saying i was heartbroken is an understatement right now

I know its short but ive been really busy!

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