X-factor dilemma

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*Back to normal time*

Hearing all the amazing singers on stage during the auditions i just wish olly would try it out. i signed him up once but he had all no's bless him! he was on a downer for abit because of it, just like i am now. i missed my olly, it was a shame he was away on a lads holiday. i missed my cuddles. as i carried on watching the tv my jaw dropped. i couldnt believe what i was was seeing! Olly was at the auditions but not in the crowd watching, he was getting ready to go on stage. my olly was on x-factor! that sneaky bugger i thought to myself, i tried ringing his mobile to ask him whats it all about... no answer. i just thought to myself he left it at the hotel or he couldnt here it in the club. i fell asleep shortly after x-factor had finished. i woke up to 16 missed calls off olly. i tried ringing back but no answer again. my head spinning and worried sick, thinking the worst has happened to him i quickly ran his mum.

"hey vick um just wondering have you heard anything off olly? i had a bunch of missed calls of him this morning" i said without taking a single breath.

"awww charly no need to panic, he rang us last night hes fine but about the phone call i better leave him to tell you but trust me hes fine" she replied and hung up.

the way she spoke on the phone seemed as if she was smiling. i started to make my self a cup of tea when my phone started ringing. i pounched onto my phone, caller id said olly so i pressed answer.

"olly what the hell? ive been trying to get hold of you, why havent you answered? ive been worried sick!" i shouted down the phone.

"listen babe, i didnt answer the phone because of time difference, but ive..." he replied but i stopped him mid-sentence

"time difference? its like 2 hours difference!" i said still angry at him.

"im not in magaluf... im in america babe" he said with such excitement.


"babe calm down, i got a really good reason for why im over here. i auditioned for x-factor, im in simons mansion and ive got through to live shows!" he said sounding like a little kid at christmas.

oh my god, i totally forgot about x-factor because ive been so worried about him.

"aww babe im so proud of you! i told you, you was good, i love you so much babe! i replied jumping up and down. now i was like the little kid at christmas!

"listen babe i got to go to practise now, i will skype you later, i love you" and the phone went dead.

i could not believe what he has just told me. my olly preforming live on x-factor! well i wasnt expecting that. i thought for a minute and suddenly it hit me, im not going to see him much when hes at the live shows. i cried for a while thinking about what im going to do without him. i stopped crying after a while when i realised i was being selfish for wanting him to be here with me. this could be for the best, he hated his job and now hes following his dream to become a singer. i was really proud of my man. me and his parents was in the crowd watching him sing his heart out every week of the live shows. i was smiling like an idiot everytime he sang. one day i was in the local supermarket, i walked past the magazine section when something caught my eye. right there on front cover of heat magazine in big letters "OLLY AND CHERYL AN ITEM?" nobody knew about me and olly, we decided not to say anything incase it jepardised his place on x-factor but i grabbed that magazine, i paid for it, i drove home and started reading. "olly and cheryl was seen kissing outside the x-factor house after the party, are they an item? only time will tell" my heart sank, how could he? why would he? is it true? a milliom questions running through my mind, tears would not stop falling from my eyes, it felt like someone had stabbed me in my heart. i grabbed the magazine, jumped in my car and drove around to his parents house. they tried saying it was probably a mistake but there on the front page is a picture of them kissing, how could it be a mistake?

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