The Accident

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I woke up the next morning and olly was still sleeping. I couldnt help but just to stare at him and think how amazing he is and how much I love him. I have the best boyfriend in the world. I looked at the time it was 7am. olly had an interview this morning and booking signing in the afternoon so I decide to wake him up. I got out of bed and put on one of his tops. I ran and jumped on the bed 

"wake up, wake up, rise and shine!" I shouted. 

"im up, im up calm down" he moaned pulling the blanket over his. 

I got off the bed and pulled the blanket off him but I must have pulled it abit to hard to hard because I fell back and everything went blank...


I woke up to charly jumping on the bed telling me to get up. I said I was up pulling the blanket over my head, I really didnt want to move. I just wanted to stay in bed and watch films with my girl. she grabbed the bottom of the blanket n pulled it off me and I heard a loud bang. I sat up in bed to see what the noise was and there lying on the floor was charly with blood coming out of the back of her head.  

"Charly are you okay? Charly?" I said shaking her but she didnt respond. I grabbed my phone off the night stand and called 911. the paramedics arrived shortly after and she was rushed to hospital. The doctors rushed her down for a scan but they came back clean. the cut on her head only need stitches but she was still unconscious. Now I was scared! I cant lose her, please wake up i kept begging. The doctors wouldnt let me stay over night so I had to go back to the hotel. I couldnt sleep much because the thought of her being in hospital without me next to her was heart breaking. I cancelled all my interviews, studio time, book signings, I cancelled everything to be by her side. I hadnt showered for 5 days so I decided to have a quick one before going to the hospital. I got to her bed side about 9am. still no change, the doctors came in every hour to check on her. she still looked as beautiful as ever even though she was wired up to all different machines. she started to move and was waking up slowly what she said next made me speechless. did she really say that?..... 


aww my head hurts, I opened my eyes. where am I? whos this man sat next to me bed? 

"excuse me sir? do I know you?" I asked him, he looked at me in shock. why is he looking at me like that? 

"Babe dont you know who I am?" he replied with tears in his eyes. 

"im sorry but no I dont and please dont call me babe. only daniel calls me that"i quickly said to hin 

"Charly im your boyfriend olly, you and daniel split nearly 10years ago. we was playing around in the hotel, u fell and banged your head hard. you've been unconscious for the past 5 days. Please say you remember me?" he said reaching for my hand. 

"no your lying, why are you lying to me? where am I, wheres my family" I started to panic I tried getting up but everytime I fell back onto the bed. the doctor eventually walked into my room. 

"ahh your awake, who do you feel?" he asked while writing stuff down. he had a cute american accent. 

"my head is hurting and I feel abit dizzy but apart from that im fine, are you from america?" I replied 

"ah charly love, you are in america" he said while walking off. 

"olly? is that your name? why am I in america where is my family?" now I was really panicing. 

"we are over here because of my job, your family are still in essex" he said trying to calm me down. 

"what job? stop lying to me take me home please" I begged him. 

"babe im a singer and we are over here touring" he said. 

"DONT CALL ME THAT!" I shouted 

a nurse came in "excuse me mr murs? can I speak to you" she asked. the man and the nurse walked into the hallway. 

a song came on the radio, hey this is quite good I thought to myself. And that was troublemaker by olly murs the presenter of the show said. olly then came back in the room after about 15minutes .. wait? that mans name, olly, the nurse called him mr murs, he said he was a professional singer? no it cant be him can it? 

"charly, we would like to run some tests and another scan to see if there is no lasting damage" the doctor said 

tests? another scan? I cant remember being in america, I cant remember how I got into hospital or why im here, I cant remember who olly is. maybe he was telling the truth about himself and everything else. No hes lying! i know he is. That olly guy is pretty cute, with his blonde/brown hair, his eyes are beautiful, he smells nice as if he just got out of the shower. what was I thinking? I had a boyfriend back home! naughty charly in thought to myself.


oh god she cant remember me! the girl I love so much cant even remember me. this has to be a nightmare. I tried explaining to her what happened but she just thought I was lying. I wouldnt lie to her, oh god what am I going to do now? 

"excuse me mr murs, can I speak to you?" the nurse asked.  

we walked into the corridor 

"we think charly has memory loss, we dont know how long it will last or if it will come back but we will run some tests and do another scan to see if theres no lasting damage" she explain before walking off. 

memory loss? No what if she never remembers me? I quickly grabbed my ipad and logged onto the internet. I typed memory loss into google. it says here that certain things can bring memory back. like pictires, songs, places. when we get back to england im taking her to all the places we've been to, I will get her memory back! I walked back into her room just as my song troublemaker finished and she was smiling, was it because my song had cheered her up? made her memory come back? 

"hey babe how you feeling" I asked while thinking, please remember me, please remember me. 

"dont call me that, only daniel calls me that" she said sounding annoyed. 

nope she still dont remember me. 

the doctor then came and wheeled her off to do some tests. I started to plan how I was going to get her memory back.

(I know this story is getting boring! ive been having serious writers block... sorry!)

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