the Bad news, The Good News

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Sorry the last bit was short.... 

(if you are uder 18 I suggest you not read the next bit) 

he pulled me onto his legs, I grabbed his hair n pulled it so he was looking up to me, we carried on kissing for a little bit. I could feel him go hard and I smiled, he stood up, I wrapped my legs around his waist he carried me to the bedroom n put me on the bed. now he was on top of me, he started taking off my top, he took off my bra and began to kiss me slowly, he was moving from my lips, to my neck, behind my ear, down to my shoulder, on to my breast, down onto my belly. He knew how to tease me.  

"olly please your killing me" I moaned. 

he looked up at me biting his lip. he finally got back up. I ripped his top off him and undone his jeans. Everything he was doing just seemed amazing, he knew how to do everything perfect. We made mad passionate love that night. the best ive ever had. After we finished I lay on his hairy chest that we called his love rug. I looked up to him, stared directly into those eyes. 

"what you thinking about babe?" he said while playing with my hair. 

"Just how much I love you, promise me something oll?"  

he turned over to look at me 

"what babe?" he replied looking at me puzzled 

"promise that you wont tell me no lies and keep nothing from me?" I said with tears in my eyes. 

"charly, ive never lied to you and ive never kept anything from you, what makes you say that" he was saying as he dried my tears away from my eyes. 

"Oll it just scares me that your in that house with other girls and I have no idea what goes on in there, I didnt even know about the party. I trust you but I dont trust them" I said crying even more now. 

"honestly babe I would never lie or keep anything from you, I was going to tell you about cheryl but simon wouldnt let me use my phone because of practise, are you jealous? " he said looking deep into my eyes. 

"okay babe, I believe you, of course im jealous but only because I care, i dont want to lose you, olly I love you so much" I said as I moved closer to him. 

"I love you too babe" he said as he pulled me in for a hug.  

We kissed and I fell asleep on his chest.

The next morning we went to the x-factor studio, olly knocked on cheryls dressing room door.  

"Olly baby! come on in pet" she sounded so excited to see him. 

"Cheryl I have to tell you this because you need to know, nothing is ever going to happen between us. I dont like you that way and plus I have the most amazing girlfriend, I love her so much. So just stay away from me" he said. 

Cheryl just stood there in shock, me and olly walked out of her room hand in hand. I looked up at him and gave him a little smile, he winked back at me and mouthed "I told you I'd do it" 

It was time for olly to practise his song so I drove back home in the pouring rain. I opened my front door and through my keys on the sofa. I needed to relax and whats the best way? A hot bubble bath with scented candles around the room of course! 

I turned the tap off just as I got in the bath, ahhh this is heaven I thought slowly lowering myself in. I must have nodded off for abit because when I looked at my phone it was 4pm! Shit, ive got to get ready for the live show, I cant miss olly again! I chucked black tights, blue knee length dress and a pair of black wedges on, put abit of make up on and curled my hair. I looked at myself in mirror, aw that will just have to do I mumbled to myself and then I walked out of my front door and towards my car. thankfully the rain had stopped so I didn't have to worry about my hair getting wet. I walked to my seat and sat myself next to pete ollys dad. I felt my phone buzz in my hand, it was a text off olly 

"So glad you made it, I love you forever xxx" 

aww he must have seen me sit down I texted him back 

"I wouldnt miss another live show again :) I love you too xxx"

It was the final and me, vicky, pete and ollys sister faye are nervously sat in the crowd waiting for dermot to annouce the winner. Olly was stood next to simon and Joe was stood next to that cow. 

"and the winner is.... JOE!!" dermot said in the mic. 

My heart dropped, I knew how much olly wanted to win this I started to cry a little. After the show I met up with Olly and we drove back to mine. I knew he was upset because he just looked out the window the whole way home, of course he would be upset. We pulled into the drive and got out of the car. I held his hand as we walked to my front door, we sat on the sofa watching films for a while and he still hadn't spoken yet. We both went to bed a held each other until we fell asleep. The next morning he was back to the olly I knew. 

"Morning babe! He said running into the bedroom and jumping on me. 

I looked at the time 1pm 

"afternoon actually babe" I laughed kissing him. I didnt mention x-factor incase it got him upset again. 

"You will never guess who rang me this morning" I said with the biggest smile on his face. 

"Santa?" I replied sarcastically 

he laughed at my little joke. 

"No babe, Simon cowell did! He wants to give me a record deal!!" 

"oh my god babe! thats fantasic, go for it! this is your chance to follow your dream" I said to him with excitement in my voice. 

"Ive already said yes, I got a meeting tomorrow morning, they've got manager for me already, her name is sarah" he screamed at me but it was an excited scream. 

"Well we better start picking out some clothes ready" I said jumping out of bed. 

We picked a pair of skinny jeans, nice polo top, shoes and his now famous trilby hat. 

He rang everyone and told them the good news they were so excited for him!

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