chapter 8

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Logan walked around the room with worry struck throughout his eyes.

"Where is she, she can't just be gone!" He said as he battled to talk over what was happening.

I was standing in his apartment as we were about to leave to go catch a movie, Logan had told me that he first had to feed his cat, because there was a chance we would be gone for some time.

"I'm sure she's around here somewhere" I said, trying to reassure him that we would find her.

We walked through the rooms, one after the other, but the cat was nowhere to be found.

"Hay" I looked at my worried boyfriend, "maybe she just took a walk" I said as I grabbed my car keys.

I helped Logan to the door as he gave the room one last check to see if we had missed her.

"Let's drive around a bit, maybe we will come across her" I grabbed the apartment keys from his shaking had and locked his front door.

Even though Logan usually drove, I wasn't going to let him this time. He was too shook up.

I walked around to the drivers seat and climbed in.

Logan gave the area around his building one last look, and then entered when he saw nothing.

I put the car in reverse, after pulling out the drive way, we slowly drove up the streets, one by one, to search for any sight of a white furry ball.

Ball being, Logans cat was a bit out of shape, but I never said anything to him.

We had drove around the rest of the afternoon but saw nothing. We had also called the pound a few times, but they hadn't seen any signs of fat white cats.

To be honest, I had never seen Logan this worried before. And with him being all stressed it cause his asthma to act up.

We drove up and down, but there were no animals in sight.

I wanted to turn around and go back home, but I cared to much about Logan, and his happiness. So I would drive around all night if that's what it took.

I soon got a call from Catherine. I slid the little word 'answer' across my screen and held the phone to my ear.

"Heeyyy gurrllllll" she said, dragging on the word girl until she ran out of breath.

"Hi Catherine, I can't really talk right now, we're in the middle of a crisis" I answered.

"What's wrong?" She said, suddenly in a concerned voice.

"We're just trying to look for Logan's cat, she has gone missing, and we're pretty worried"

"Oh, well that's not good" she said in a sad voice, "I hope you find her soon"

"Thanks, me too" I said as I put down the phone.

We drove on a bit before the phone rang again, "what does she want this time?" I said, but realised I was talking to myself as Logan's mind was outside the window, focused on finding the kitty.

"Catherine?" I asked, knowing it was her, but wondering why she was calling again.

"You hung up on me!" She said, "sorry, but I said we were busy looking for the cat, and I thought our conversation was over" I tried to apologise

"It's cool" she laughed

"So um, why did you call again?"

"Oh yeah, what cat are you looking for again?" She asked

"Logan's cat" I responded

"Yeah, but which one?"

"Catherine, he only has one cat"

"Oh, but anyways, I know where she is"

"WHERE?" Logan shouted from the other seat.

"Hii Logan"

Logan grabbed the phone from me, "Catherine, where is my cat?"

"She is at my place silly"

"What's she doing there!" Logan asked in surprise

"Well" Catherine started, "I recently went through a break up, and I needed someone to cuddle with"

Logan sighed in relief.

"Sorry" Catherine said as she giggled, clearly enjoying this.

I thought Logan was going to scream at her, but he just started laughing. "It's okay, but please just warn me next time"
"Haha, okay, I will do" she said " but I'm okay now, I found luke, he told me he was waiting for the right moment to ask me out, and now we're together. This one really feels right" she tried to persuade us, "so you can come get your cat, I don't think luke will want a cat hanging around when he comes over tonight" she said in a seductive voice.

"Yeah, okay Catherine" Logan put down the phone and rolled his eyes.

"I swear she is going to be the death of me" he said, laughing at his joke.

We drove on till we came to Catherine's house, she was rich enough to afford a rather large home, because he father and mother had been the owners of a cruse line, and when they had passed away, all the inheritance came to her.

Catherine was standing at the door with her hair tied in a bun, still dripping with water. She was probably getting ready for her night with 'luke'

Logan jumped out and greeted her, I just waved from the car.

He hugged her and sat back into his seat once saying good bye to Catherine

"Look who I have" he said with a grin stretched across his face, as he stroked the ball of feline.

I sat there with a smile on my face as I gazed upon the cat on the side of the road, reminding me of Logan's cat that was again at Catherine's house while he was in the hospital.

I was on my way back to him. After having my little break down in the car at the park, I was feeling much better.

It was quite late already, probably around midnight, and there were not many cars on the road.

I looked down at logan's grey jacket sitting in the passenger seat, where I had placed it when I left the hospital, not realising I had it on when I left.

My attention was pulled back towards the road as a bright light got closer and closer.

I squinted my eyes to see past it, but it was too bright. "Idiot, your brights are on" I said to myself.

I was just about to hoot at the person, when I realised it was too late.


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