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"What's going to happen?" I ask, afraid of what could happen.

I mean who knows if Grayson might beat my face into pieces to the point where I'm more ugly (than what I am right now) for telling on him. 

"Grayson has sent you and two other people to the nurse's office today. He's never been like this. I think he sends a lot of people to the office because he probably has anger problems developing. If we don't stop this, he can go out into the world and end up harming others."

"I'll go prepare the tests," the lady at the desk says. She gets up and goes into another room to prepare the tests.

"Tests? I have to take them?" I ask the nurse.

"No, Grayson does. We need to drug test him because he might be on steroids or something. We've been noticing he's getting a bit bulky lately. But today he's sent three people to the nurse's office so it's sort of our job to test him because of this. If it tests out to be negative, he gets in school suspension. If it is positive, he will have to deal with authorities."

Ouch. That must be pretty bad on what's happening to him. The door opens and Grayson comes in. He gives me a death glare. Wow, what got him all moody?

"Grayson, this way," another nurse says, directing him to the testing room. They both go in and the doors close.

The nurse says, "Is there any relative I can call?"

"My parents are at a business trip for work, but my brother's in college that's like a few hours away. You can call him if you want."

She gets the phone and starts to call my brother. He answers and she begins talking to him of what happened. The call lasts for a few minutes and then the nurse hangs up.

"He's going to be coming home to watch over you for a bit until your parents come back from vacation. You can just hang around here for the rest of the school day until he comes. Do you have a friend that can drop you off at home?"

"My friend Heather can."

"Okay, good. I'm going to suggest staying home for at least two to three days to make sure you're going to be recovering since I'm guessing by the looks on your wrists that you will probably need assistance. Plus it'll be sort of hard to write with a bad wrist or two."

"Alright," I say.

The security guard comes in with Grayson's backpack, leaves it at the door where Grayson is being tested and then exits.

I pull out my phone to see if anyone messaged me. I message Heather if it's okay if her mom can drop me off at home when it's dismissal time. She says it's alright and that she'll see me later. 

I just stay lounging around the nurse's office since there's nothing really to do. So I decide to go on Twitter and go through my notifications. I hardly go through my timeline since it is dry like the desert. I should follow more people but it's too much work for me. Is it bad I'm sort of lazy? Didn't think so. 

I go through my messages and I message Louis. He's never answered me before but hey, I'm not giving up. So then I decided to spam him.

Hey Louis! How's it going? 

I'm chilling in the nurse's office right now.

Wanna Netflix and chill?

Can we play footie together one day?

I love you so muchhhhh.

Love me back Louis!

And so on. I want some Gatorade and fruit snacks right now in all honesty. Weird combination, but I like it. I had money with me and I asked the nurse's permission to let me go to the vending machine to get my snacks. She said she's going to come with me to help me since my wrists are still hurting.

We both go to the vending machine that's not really far from the nurse's office. She gets the Gatorade and the fruit snacks I wanted for me. I thank her for helping me and we both walk back to the nurse's office. 

She opens the door for me and there I see policemen, and Grayson in handcuffs.


yikessssss! big plot twist i've written. IMAGINE GRAYSON IN HANDCUFFS THO!! 

so what do you think of the chapter? did ya like it?

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also, follow my instagram @/obviouslycynthia if ya'll want :P

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