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At this point, I was about to burst out crying because I'm so scared of what could happen. Kaspar is trying to calm me down as I am babbling nervously. This is scary, I mean how would you feel if you had to go to your internet best friend and ask them if they are real? Kaspar was also panicking with me so that's good that I'm not the only one filled with fear here.

Kaspar says nervously, "I know this is scary, but you need to know the truth or not. We're going to go with Plan B now."

"What Plan B?!" I exclaim.

"Instead of telling her, why not ask to FaceTime on your computer. I'll be on the other line, known as your phone and pretend you're texting someone even though you're actually on FaceTime with me. I will be on mute hearing the entire conversation."

"Did you think through this?" I ask, impressed at this plan.

"Yeah, I kinda did," he blushes. "I just wanted to get this over with now that Bianca is back so you can be happy again."

I laugh a bit, "I'm already happy."

"Alright, so let's get going!" Kaspar commands jokingly.

I go onto the Twitter app and I message Bianca back.

Hey B, I've missed you too.

I'm going to let you in a little truth, I didn't miss her. I was so occupied with my school friends, Cameron, Chris and Kaspar. Wow I'm such a rebellious person to forget about my internet best friend for three years.

I'm so sorry for not replying for the past month.

I was busy.

"She told me she was busy."

"Why are you lying, why you always lying. Mhmm m-"

"Kaspar now isn't the time to joke around," I laugh.

"I'm so sorry your majesty how may I repay you?"

"Please get me some pizza," I groan.

I go into my messages and I begin to text Cameron to get me some pizza. I honestly need something to eat since I'm so hungry right now. Then, I go back and message Bianca again so she won't suspect anything.


Yeah. I had some things going on.

"Bianca's acting so off," I say as I send a screenshot of the conversation. "She's never like that with me. She'd be so open and confident in me, but she's not showing it."

"You now, by now I'd have you tell her I think you're a catfish," Kaspar admits.

"I'm glad you got a Plan B because I sure was not going to do that."

"Try luring her in and have her confide in you. Then, attack!"


I go back on the Twitter app and I reopen my conversation with Bianca.

I'm so happy you're back now

I hate doing this, but it's for the best. Why hasn't Bianca wanted to FaceTime for the three years we've known each other. What if she's real? If she is, does she dislike me or something? 

Yeah, I am too

How come you're acting off?

"She's asking why I'm acting off. Is it that obvious Kaspar?"

"I think she's like onto you. Sometimes when you talk with someone after a while, they act a bit off. Don't ask me how, it happens to me sometimes."

Never in my life have I hopped so many times between two apps. Wow, what a world record.

I'm not acting off Bianca

Yes you are! Ella, I know you and this isn't you

Do you not wanna talk to me?

I read out loud the conversation to Kaspar. "What do I do now?!"

"Say that you want to FaceTime so it'll be easier to talk with each other."

I do want to talk with you. Do you have a FaceTime by any chance?

I do, why?

Wanna FaceTime?

Uhm, sure?

I give Bianca my contact information so she can call me.

"She's going to call. Let me get my computer set up," I say. "This is going to be hard. I'm so nervous right now."

"It'll all be alright in the end. I hope she isn't actually a catfish because if she is, I don't know what I'd do. You'll be hurt, and I'll be hurt because you're hurt."

"Literally I'm anxious right now for what is gonna go down."

My computer and phone says an unknown number is calling me. I answer the call and I see a girl who looks seventeen.

"Hey Bianca," I say smiling at her.

"Hey E!"

That's weird, Bianca has never called me E before. I shrug it off and I update Kaspar on iMessage. 

It's a girl and she is the one from the pictures she's DMed, ha!

"So, how's it going?" I say awkwardly.

Don't ask me why I'm sometimes awkward at first conversations, it sometimes irks me when it happens.

"It's good. How have you been?"

"I've been pretty well now that my cast is going to be off," I say as I show my cast.

Bianca gasps. "Oh my, what happened?"

"After the whole Grayson situation, I hurt my arm and finger. It was probably from the aftermath or something."

"That must've been painful," Bianca says with concern.

"It is. I could hardly do anything. But hey, it got me out of class early," I point out.

Bianca starts laughing, "I wish I could get out of class earlier."

"I'll still have the pass for another two weeks just in case something else happens. I also got out of gym which is good since I dislike gym. I get to be referee or the one who gets to select the songs."

She jokes, "I'm so glad I don't take gym anymore, I don't miss it one bit."

Wait? She doesn't have gym anymore? I thought she had gym class since all schools are supposed to have it as a requirement.

"How come you don't take gym anymore?" I ask.


"Cameron!" I hear a deep voice yell and some running.

A familiar voice, may I add. Someone opens the door and I couldn't believe who I saw.




what do y'all think is gonna happen after this? comment what do you think is going to happen or what do you want to see happen in the story.

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