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I hear my alarm blare off to "Love You Goodbye" by One Direction. I feel someone's arm on my waist, and I wake up to see Cameron sleeping next to me. Last night comes to me on what happened. Whenever I cry at night, I cannot sleep. Therefore, Cameron has to sleep with me in order to get me to sleep. I forgot how it was to be comforted by him. I haven't seen him since the end of July when he had to leave to settle in for college.

I remember that I have no school today so I turn off my alarm and I go back to sleep. The beauty of my alarm is that whenever a new One Direction song is on my phone, it's automatically the song that my alarm will play.

A few hours later, I feel weight being off the bed and I knew that Cameron has woken up. It doesn't take long for me to get up because I now can't go back to sleep. I get my laptop and I log in.

"Did I wake you up? Shit I'm so sorry," Cameron apologizes.

"It's alright, I know you didn't mean it."

"You slept alright?"

I smile a bit. "Yeah, I did." I put the laptop next to me and I extend my arms. He comes to me and I hug him tightly. "Thank you Cameron, you're such an amazing brother."

"Anytime kid. Hey are you going to be on Twitter all day?"

"Most likely yes, why?"

"Cause I have a surprise for you. But you need to come with me."

"O-okay," I say. I put on my boot slippers and I walk out of my room with Cameron. I don't even bother on changing since I don't think we will be going out.

I follow Cameron to the door. He opens it and there walks in Chris. I yell out, "Chris" and I hug him tightly. I haven't seen Chris in ages since he's went on his mission to Peru.

"He's back and is now attending uni with me. So I decided to bring him along to see you," Cameron says as Chris and I keep hugging. We both let go of the hug.

"I'm so glad that you're both here," I say.

"Hey you're not going to be on Twitter all day like how you normally do. We're taking you out," Chris claims. "So go get ready."

I go to my room and I get ready. I take a short shower and I put on my clothes. I don't even bother on doing my make-up because I hardly wear make up in all honesty, oops. I brush my teeth and I do my hair after that. I grab my phone and I meet the boys downstairs.

"Wow, you still get ready quickly and Cameron still takes a long time on getting ready," Chris laughs. "Oh how I've missed you two dorks so much."

"I've missed you too Chris."

Cameron comes running saying, "did I win? Did I finally win for once.." he trails off at seeing me. "Dammit!"

"There's always a next time," Chris chuckles and pats his back.

"I still cannot believe my brother takes a long time to get ready," I laugh.

"Yeah, yeah, let's get going," Cameron says.

We all head out to Cameron's car and Cameron turns on the car. Cameron decides to put on History by One Direction.

"Still love them?" Chris asks me.

I reply, "you betcha."

"We three should go to their next concert."

"They'll definitely come back after their break," Cameron says truthfully.

The boys don't really like One Direction but they understand my liking for them which I love. Many fan's family or friends don't support them loving the boys; and they even make fun of them just because they love a band. I don't get people nowadays. If you know someone who loves something or someone and you don't, don't put them down.

During the car ride, I pull my phone out and I DM Bianca good morning. It's almost eleven in the morning here so hopefully she'll answer. She has study hall around this time. I go on her profile to see if she's tweeting or not but, she hasn't tweeted in almost a day. I make a group chat with Delaney and Heather on Twitter asking about Bianca.

I have no idea where she's been, Heather sends back.

Me neither. Maybe her phone died or she broke or lost her charger, Delaney types.

How does someone simply lose their charger, I write.

I have no idea in all honesty, Heather sends.

Cameron drives us to the local bagel shop and we all get out of the car. We go to the shop and we order what we usually order when we're here. We find our seat as we wait for our order. Cameron gets up to pay for our order and then he brings our order to the table. We all give thanks to God and then we eat. We have a talk and Chris tells us about his trip and how college life is. We also talk about the good old times that we three had.

Afterwards, Cameron decided to bring us to the juvenile detention center for me to see Grayson; since I asked him to. The boys decided to wait for me in the waiting room. 

"Be careful, alright?" Chris tells me. "You're like my little sister and I don't want you hurt. Neither does Cameron." 

"Okay," I reply to confirm them that I understand them. 

Sometimes, people say okay to say instead of "yeah, yeah" and don't even care about what the person is saying. I do because I know how the boys feel about me; and I know that they're just trying to look out for me. Once my number pops up on the screen, I go ahead to the door. The guard checks me and I give him the ticket. Then, the guard opens the door and escort me to the seat. Grayson comes in later escorted by the guard. His guard then uncuffs one of his hands and puts the cuff around this part of the table. 

"We meet again, Dallas," Grayson smiles a bit.

"Well hello to you too," I say.

"What brings you here today?"

"I just thought of stopping by to say hi," I shrug.


"Has anyone tried seeing you?"

He shakes his head.

"I'm sorry."

"It's fine. I deserve it. I know my parents and siblings are disappointed in me."

"No you don't. Yeah you made a mistake, but your family should be there for you and help you. Not leave you stranded to rot."

"Still the same old Ella." I look at him weirdly. "You're lightening up the mood, and it works a lot of times."

"Well that's just how I am, I guess," I laugh a bit when I finish my sentence.

Grayson and I have a conversation on random topics and stuff. We had moments where we couldn't stop laughing and smiling. Then, it was time for me to go.

"Ella, before you leave, I'm sorry for hurting you."


He interrupts me. "I know. You may never forgive me and decide to ignore me for the rest of your life for hurting you. But, can I ask you something before you leave today?"

I nod my head. 

"Will it kill you if we kissed?"

I shake my head no. He grabs a small portion of my hair and puts it behind me. He kisses my cheek gently and lightly. Then, he kisses my lips for a few seconds and pulls back quickly before anyone can see. I give him a small smile.

"Thank you for coming," he whispers with so much meaning.

I look at him with an expression where you can tell I have mixed emotions. I then exit to go to the waiting room. Grayson kissing me is still on my mind.


Thank you all for supporting me once again. I wrote so much for this chapter and I hope you enjoy this update!!

follow me on twitter: renegadeslwt (that self promo tho) and feel free to hit me up fam

I hope you all enjoy your Veteran's Day today :))

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