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I wake up and I see a message from Kaspar on my phone.

"Good morning Renegade, hope you're having a wonderful day," I read to myself.

A smile is on my face and my fingers tap against the screen to send a message back. It's so hard typing with one hand, in all honesty. In a few days, I'll be getting my cast off. Almost a month has has passed by and things have been going well.

For instance, Kaspar and I have gotten closer. We got to know each other more through social media, obviously. We've also FaceTimed until late in the night during the weekend. He is such an amazing fanboy I've ever met. Others, are like cocky, rude and selfish. But not him. For those thinking, not for long because he'll turn into the others, I know he won't. I mean yeah, Bianca may be a catfish, but I shouldn't judge one thing and assume it for other things. Okay that sounded confusing.

I get up to get ready which is a bit easier now. After almost an hour of getting ready, I get to Cameron's car where I see him inside. We greet each other and then he takes me to eat at McDonald's. I'm allowed to enter late to school due to my condition so I'm probably am not going to show up to class until third period. There hasn't been a lateness in my attendance so I decided to take up the opportunity today.

Cameron and I have gotten more closer since the past month. He's going to be back in his college campus in a few weeks which makes me upset. The house is going to be quiet again without his presence. If anything, Cameron makes home loud and fun aside from my parents. The house was how people would say, "lit," with them around. I'm pretty quiet around the house now. Cameron doesn't like leaving me alone at home since he's hours away. 

After we both finished eating and hung around for a bit, we head to my school. Cameron helps me with getting my things inside where I'm met with the attendance office. Cameron signs me late where I show my pass for an excused tardiness. The person at the desk gives me a pass and buzzes in for someone to bring my stuff to class.

"I gotta go, take care okay?" Cameron says and he kisses my forehead.

"By Cammy, I love you," I say quietly.

"I love you too," he replies and then he leaves.

About a minute later, the door opens and I see Heather with Ethan.

"Hey guys," I smile.

Since two weeks ago, Heather and Ethan started going out. This wasn't something I expected to happen in all honesty, and no one else saw it coming. I can tell Ethan likes Heather and vice-versa based on how they act or look at each other. I approved of them together as I want Heather to be happy, even if it's the brother of my frenemy. Grayson and I are frenemies now, I guess you can say. Speaking of him, I haven't seen him since the hospital trip but I hope he doesn't think I stopped seeing him because that is not the case. 

"Hey El," Ethan greets me with a smile.

Heather gives me a grin and greets me after Ethan does. Then, Ethan grabs my stuff and we head to my third period class. Before I head in last to the class, Heather whispers something to Ethan while looking at me. Ethan sighs and looks at me.

"H-hey Ella?"

I look at Ethan with an unsure look. "I everything alright?"

"Y-yeah, you see uhh he's back."

With a questioning look, I ask, "who?"


The door opens and my teacher lets us enter in. Ethan goes in with me and Heather decides to stay outside. He puts my things down next to my desk and I sit down.

"Thank you Ethan.We'll talk later," I whisper.

Ethan nods his head and he leaves the classroom. The teacher then returns to his lecture and I catch up on what I have missed on. A few periods later, lunch rolls around. Delaney and Heather help me with carrying around my things. I feel so bad for them in all honesty and I don't even know how I can ever repay Ethan, Delaney and Heather back. Most people wouldn't even bother helping someone with an injury in this school but they did with me. I'm so blessed to have amazing people like them in my life.

We three sit down and we eat. A message goes off from Kaspar and I open it up.

Bianca is back since two days ago, I thought I'd let you know since you were busy these past few days watching TVD. I didn't wanna interrupt you ahaha. I hope your day is going well, I love you Renegade.

I understood that Kaspar didn't tell me about it since he wanted me to watch this show called The Vampire Diaries. I needed more shows to watch and well, he recommended it.

I love you too and thank you for telling me babes, it really means a lot. The show is really really good, thank you for recommending me it!! Also, when should we commence the plan since she's back now? I sent.

Love, whenever you want to we'll do it.




I start to laugh so hard at this. This boy is so funny, literally he makes me cry of laughter sometimes.

KAS IM DYIGNG, I send while laughing. The girls look at me weirdly.

"Kaspar?" Delaney asks.

I nod my head. The girls know about Kaspar, but they only know him as my friend. No one knows about my plan with Kaspar so that's a good thing.

I type back, I know what you mean don't worry.

Then, I add in the laughing emojis and I send the message to him.

"So Heather, what was Ethan going to tell me?" I ask.

Heather gives me a look of panic and says, "uhh," while looking past me.

I turn around and I see Grayson sitting with his friends at lunch.


Oooooooh it's going down!! Great news: Ethan followed me on Twitter yesterday- finally, that boy came through.

Comment what you think is going to happen and let me know of your opinions of this chapter.

-This chapter was inspired by The Feeling (feat. Halsey) by Justin Bieber. Speaking of that, if you wanna check out the Spotify playlist for this story, the link is in my bio!!

before I forget, happy (late?) thanksgiving to everyone who celebrates it! I'm so thankful for each and every single one of you and I hope you had a fantastic break! x

Catfish // g.d.जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें