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The following day, I was welcomed by rain. Wow, a lovely thing to wake up to. If anything, I love rainy days so much, minus the whole wetness being involved. As a child, I used to always go outside in the rain and Cameron along with Chris joined me. We'd run around, playing tag or something.

Memories from last night comes back to me and I remember what happened. Cameron, Grayson, Bianca. I cannot believe that three years had been a lie for me. My internet best friend turning out to be a fake. My nemesis from school leading me on for many years, online may I add. I wanted to ask why did he do this. I mean I get what Cameron said to me about getting to get to know me, but there's got to be more to this. 

He could've done this for revenge on one hand or maybe to talk trash about me to his friends. From now on, I'm definitely avoiding Grayson. I get out of bed and I start to get ready for school. Oh boy, I hope Grayson doesn't even bother approaching me since I will most likely injure him. He better stay away from my friends and I.

After I get ready, I go to my kitchen with my phone. My breakfast is set up already by Cameron. I greet him and thank him for the breakfast. I begin to eat while checking my phone. Not going to lie, but it's kind of difficult to do it when you have a cast on your arm. I open my iMessage where I see Kaspar sent to me earlier today that said

Have an amazing day Renegade. Keep your head up high, I love youuuuu

I smile at his message. I message him back saying 

Thank you so much bby. I hope you have an awesome day too! FaceTime later?

A few minutes later, my phone goes off with a message from him.

Yup! Usual time?

Usual time

Afterwards, I finished my breakfast and Cameron dropped me off. During the car ride, we talked about random things and discussed about what would happen once he goes back to college. When we reach the school, he drops me off and hands my things to Heather and Ethan, who were waiting for me. We say bye to each other and he kisses my forehead.

He says quietly, "take care kid. I love you my princess."

"I love you too Cameron. Be careful and get home safely."

Cam leaves and I turn to see the couple. We all talk to my second period class since first period was close to ending. I think about Cameron on my way to class. He and I have always had a close bond since we were younger. He calls me his princess and other cute sibling nicknames since I'm his only sister. He treats me so well compared to other boys who have younger siblings. Sometimes we fight, but in the end we're still together and that's what matters.

After mom and dad died, we realized we only had each other to rely on and we've gotten closer than ever. He's taken over as a parent and is doing what's best for us.

Soon enough, we reached my class. Before I went in, Ethan says my name. I turn around to see him.

"I'm sorry for what Grayson did. I hope it doesn't affect our friendship and what you think of me."

I give Ethan a small smile and say, "it's alright. You and I are still cool even though your brother hurt me badly."

Heather looks at us with a question look.

"Later," I mouth to her.

She nods in assurance and the bell rings. We go against the wall, waiting for the students to leave the classroom. After they scatter around, we enter into the classroom where Ethan and Heather drop off my things. I thank them and I start doing my work.

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