Chapter 3: Decade Dance

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I change into my favorite dress from the decade that my parents had up in the attic, which i only liked for its coloring.

I change into my favorite dress from the decade that my parents had up in the attic, which i only liked for its coloring

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~During the decade dance~
I actually got bored so I snuck out early. So I really don't know what happened.

~After the dance, at the football game~
Tanner was found dead, bummer I liked Tanner. The sheriff called an animal attack but I know different. Its a vampire. I walk up to the sheriff, "Liz, my dad told me in a letter that I had just gotten a few months ago that you have a founders council for founding families is there someone representing the Gilbert family?"

"We can't talk about this here. Come to the Lockwood house tomorrow after you get out of school. There we can discuss this further. " Liz says.

"Ok. Oh and Zach Salvatore is dead. I found his body drained of blood, look in the Salvatore cellar. I went to ask Zach for vervain and I thought he was down in the cellar getting some but instead I found him dead." I whisper.

"Thanks for the heads up. Hey do you think you could get ahold of that vervain before the vampire destroys it." Liz asks.

"I will try." I say.

I walk over to Stefan, "Hey Stefan, can I talk to you, I'm doing a school project on vampires and I found something very interesting about y....."

Stefan interrupts me, "Yes let's go talk somewhere else."

Stefan calls Damon. Damon shows up in a matter of seconds, "ok how much do you know and how do you know?"

"My father told me in a letter about vampires, witches, and Werewolves. He told me about a Gilbert family journal that has Stefan sucking the life out of my ancestor Johnathan Gilbert but the thing is since it's in the Gilbert family journal somehow he survived. Anyway, I am a Moonglow, a witch and Werewolf. I can still grow up until my 17th birthday and then I never age. I know Damon is a vampire because my father had pictures of you both after he told me about you both being vampires in a letter." I tell them.

"Well, do not tell anyone about us. So you take after Alexis Pierce and Elena takes after Katherine Pierce." Damon says.

"Of course not but I do not want you guys to harm Elena or my brother Jeremy, my Aunt Jenna is off limits too." I answer.

"Well Stefan drinks animal blood and I loved Alexis so I won't hurt anyone related to you." Damon says. Good.

"Oh Zach said that if anything happened to him for me to get the vervain supply and grow it my self but I am willing to give you two a chance. If it gets destroyed I will not hesitate to kill you both." I tell them.

"Alright. We wont. By the way that necklace, it looks like the one Alexis used to wear." Damon says.

"It is hers, Alexis left it in the Salvatore house before it was burned. My family found it and Shelia Bennett told them what it was for. The entire time my family has kept it for the next Moonglow. Now I have to go." I say and Wolf speed to the house.

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