Alexis and Katherine answer

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I decided to show Alexis and Katherine the letters my dad wrote for me. I grab both of them and go to them.

When I arrive I walk in with out knocking, "Em, какво правиш тук? " (what are you doing here)

"Алексис, аз трябва да говоря с теб и Катрин. Трябва да знам истината за няколко неща, Елена все още не знаят." I say. (Alexis , I need to talk to you and Katherine. I need to know the truth about some things , Elena still do not know)

"Нека позная, което искате да знаете за способностите ви и споделям." Alexis says. ( Let me guess , you want to know about your abilities)

"Да. Баща ми ми даде кратко обяснение в тези писма за всичко това, но аз не знам какво е истина и кое е лъжа." I tell her. ( Yes. My father gave me a brief explanation of these letters all this, but I do not know what is true and what is false)

"Катерина! Слез да помогне да се обясни всичко за моя клонинг." She says slightly louder. (Katerina come downstairs to help explain everything to my Gilbert clone)

Katherine walks down the stairs, "Нека да разгледаме това, което прие татко Gilbert ви казах." (Let's look at what Gilbert adopted dad told you)

I hand them the two letters, they skim through them reading the parts I want them to answer then explaining it:

... A Werewolf bite kills a vampire. If you bite a vampire, it does nothing but if they have been bitten by a Werewolf then your blood heals them. Your blood is also the only cure known to cure any type of cancer permanently.... You will stop aging at 17.... Vampires can compel humans and Werewolves. The originals can compel both vampires and humans. You can't be compelled, not even by an original vampire. You are safe from compulsion. You can however compel anyone even an original vampire.

"Добре. Да ни кръвни лекува вампир хапе. Тествах, че от няколко години назад, когато Кат е бил ухапан. Да спрем стареенето на седемнадесет. Не знам колко е вярно лекува рак част е. Оригиналите не може да ни принуди и ние можем да ги принуди заедно с редовните вампири и хора. О, и ние също може да принуди хората на върбинка." Alexis says. (All right. Let see, our blood cures a Werewolf bite. I tested it a few years back when Kat was bitten. We stop aging at seventeen. I do not know how true cure cancer part is. The originals can not compel us and we can compel them, along with regular vampires and humans. Oh, and we also can also compel people on vervain. )

"Благодарение на Алексис. Исках да потвърди, баща ми е бил прав." I say. (Thanks to Alexis . I wanted to confirm my father was right)

"Хей, ние няма да се облича като вас двамата вече. Ние просто ще продължи да се прави на вас, момчета?" Alexis promises. (Hey, we're not going to dress up as you two anymore. We'll just continue to pretend to be you guys)

"те видя в следващата голяма страна!" I says walking home. ( see ypu at the next big party)

~Ric show up~
Today we get our new history teacher. I just hope that he will be willing to let me space off again.

I walk into History class and the new teacher stops me, "Are you Elena or Isabella Gilbert?"

"I'm your asking me if I'm the genius twin or the slightly less smarter twin, I'm the genius one." I say.

The Purple Eyed GilbertOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora