Welcome To The Hellmouth part 1

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Kayla and Buffy's eyes snap open as we look at eachother knowing we had the same dream and it was a creepy dream.


"we are up mum" Kayla shout looking at buffy

"Don't want to be late for your first day." She answers

"No... wouldn't want that..." Buffy says unsure

"No not at all" Kayla said back

Students pour in before first bell, talking, laughing, as they pulled into the front of the school in their mum's car

"Now, you have a good time. I know you'll make friends right away. Think positive. And honey... try not to get kicked out." Mum said hopeful

"I promise" Buffy answered

"Me too" and at that said they got out the car

they turn and look at the school as their mother drives away.

"We can do this buffy justforget about our old school and what we saw" Kayla told buffy when i see her unsure look.

"Lets just hope it doesnt happen here as well "

Buffy and Kayla sit before principal Flutie. He is middle aged, a tad officious.He pulls their transcripts from a folder. He looks at it, looks at them.

"Buffy and Kayla Summers, Sophomore, late of Hemery High in Los Angeles.Interesting record. Quite a career."He smiles, and carefully tears up her transcripts up into four pieces.

"Welcome to Sunnydale. A clean slate, Kayla and Buffy, that's what you get here.What's past is past,We're not interested in what it says on a piece of paper.Even if it says... whoa. At Sunnydale we nurture the whole student. The inner student" He said taking the pieces of the transcripts as he talks and carefully placing them together again.

"Other schools might looks at the incredible decline in grade point average , we look at the struggling young women with the incredible decline in grade point average. Other schools might look at the reports of gang fights..."

"Mr Flutie" Kayla interupts

"All the kids here are free to call me Bob..."

"Bob" Buffy starts

"but they don't." He pulls out a piece of tape and starts taping the transcripts back together.

"Mr. Flutie. I know our transcripts are a little colorful" Buffy starts to try and say again

"Hey, we're not caring about that! Do you think "colorful" is the word? Not "dismal"? Just off hand, I'd go with "dismal."" Mr Flutie said interupting Buffy again

"It wasn't that bad." Buffy mumbels

"You burned down the gym" He stated

"We did. We really did. But you gotta see the big picture. I mean, the gym was full of vamp... uh asbestos." Kayla said

"Kayla,Buffy. Don't worry. Any other school, they might say "watch your step", or, "we'll be watching you" or, "get within a hundred yards of the gym with a book of matches and you'll grow up in juvie hall" but that's just not the way here. We want to service your needs, and help you to
respect our needs. And if you needs and our needs don't mesh..." He said Still smiling blandly, he slips the taped up transcript back in their folder.

Kayla and Buffy exit to office, looking a bit depressed. Kayla starts rummaging through her bag and a student runs by, bumps into her. Her books and stuff spill out. Frustrated, she kneels down and starts scooping it back in with Buffy's help. A boy sees this, goes up to them, kneeling dow.

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