The Harvest Part 1

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The vampire bears down on Buffy, fangs bared. She struggles, but he's got her pinned. He rips open her shirt a bit to get at her throat. Grabs her and screams he jumps back, smoke curling out of his hand.

The cross the mysterious man gave her has slipped out of an inside pocket.
Buffy takes the moment and kick with both legs, sending the vampire flying back out of the tomb. She jumps up pulling a dazed Kayla with her and before he can recover, she's running out of there.

As fast as she can -- stumbling a bit and breathing hard from having to support Kayla -- Buffy books through the graveyard. As she reaches the trees on the edge of it and leans Kayla against it , she looks back at the Mausoleum. Nobody's coming.
She hears Willow scream and sees Kayla start to become fully conscious

"No! Nooo! Get -- off –"

Buffy and Kayla runs to the sound of the voice and comes to find Willow on the ground, struggling with a vampire. The vampire has Willow pinned, is going in for the neck, then he looks up, hearing something. Buffy's foot whips into his face, sending him flying way back. He lands hard on his back and scrambles away, holding his nose. The twins are all business now, looking around in quiet fury. Their senses alert. Kayla hears a crack, some scuffing on the ground and Takes off, leaving Willow wide-eyed and freaked. After a moment, Willow and Buffy follow.

Xander is unconscious, being dragged away by two other vampires. They hear something behind them, turn slowly around. It's Willow, stumbling out from behind a tree. She looks extremely unthreatening. They turn back and Kayla is right in front of them. She takes them both out by one touch on the shoulder. They fly back, then scramble to their feet. Buffy grabs a branch, snaps it off the tree. She comes at them with this makeshift stake nails one in the chest. The other flees.

Willow runs up to Xander, cradles his head. he is just coming to. "Xander, are you okay?" She asked him worried

"Man... something hit me..."

Buffy and Kayla are still looking around, unsatisfied.

"Where's Jesse?" Kayla questioned

"I don't know -- they surrounded us -- he was really weak..." Willow said still worrying about  Xander

"That girl grabbed him. Took off." Xander told the twins

"Which way?" Buffy asked

"I don't know."

The twins look into the night, looking around. There is nothing to see.

"Jesse..." Kayla whispers

"This world is older than any of you know, and contrary to popular mythology, it did not begin as a paradise. For untold eons, Demons walked the earth; made it their home... their Hell. In time they lost their purchase on this reality, and the way was made for the mortal animals. For Man. What remains of the Old Ones are vestiges: Certain magic's, certain creatures..." Giles told Xanda and Will as Buffy finished his sentence

"And vampires..." She said as emerges from Giles' office, wrapping a bandage around her forearm.

"Okay, this is where I have a problem, see, because we're now talking about vampires. We're having a talk with vampires in it." Xander rises, agitated.

"Oooh... I need to sit down." Willow chimed in

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