The Harvest Part 2

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"There it is." Kayla told them

Willow sits at the computer, everyone else gathered around her.

"This runs under the graveyard." Willow answered

"I don't see any access." Buffy said

"So all the city plans are just open to the public?" Giles questioned

"Uh, well, in a way. I sort of stumbled onto them when I accidentally... decrypted the city council's security system." Willow explained

"Someone's been naughty..." Xander trailed off still focused on the screen

"There's nothing here. This is useless!" Kayla  sighed

"I think you should ease up on yourself." Giles told Kayla

"You're the one who told us we weren't prepared enough. Understatement. I thought I was on top of it, and then that Monster Luke came out of nowhere " She stops and paused

"What?" Xander asked her

"He didn't come out of nowhere. He came from behind me. I was facing the entrance. He came from behind me and he didn't follow me out." Buffy told them

"The access to the tunnels is in the mausoleum." Kayla figured out

"Are you sure? " Giles questioned

"The girl must have doubled back with Jesse after I got out. God, I'm so mentally challenged!" Buffy worked out

"So, what's the plan? We saddle up, right?" Xander questioned

"There's no 'we'. Okay? I'm the Slayer and Kayla's the protector, and you're not." Buffy reminded him

"I knew you were gonna throw that in my face." Xander told her

"Xander, this is deeply dangerous." Kayla warned him

"I'm inadequate. That's fine. I'm less than a man." Xander replied moodily

"Kayla, Buffy, I'm not anxious to go into a dark place full of monsters, but I do want to help. I need to." Willow told the twins honestly

"Then help me. I've been researching this Harvest affair. Seems to be some sort of pre-ordained massacre. Rivers of blood, Hell on earth... Quite charmless. I am fuzzy on the details, however, and it may be that you can wrest some information from that dread machine. That was a bit British, wasn't it?" Giles asked them after looking at their uncomprehending looks on their face

"Welcome to the new world." Kayla joked

"I want you to go on the Net." Giles translated into words willow would understand

"Oh! Yeah. Sure. I can do that." Willow said happily as she was helping them

"Then I'm out of here." Buffy said as Kayla turn to follow but stopped and turned to willow and Xander

"If Jesse's alive, I'll bring him back." Kayla stated caringly

"Do I have to tell you to be careful?" Giles asked them

The twins look at him for a second but just walk out the door without answering.


Buffy and Kayla head toward the school gate that stands open. they were about to go through it when  Mr Flutie appears right behind them.

"And where do we think we're going?" He asked them

"We? I? Me?" Kayla replied as her and Buffy turned to face him

"We're not leaving school grounds, are we?"  He asked them again

"No! I'm just ... admiring the fence. This is quality fence work." Kayla said calmly while leaning on the fence while buffy stays quite. You see Kayla was always better in these situations then buffy, buffy would just fumble over words whereas Kayla could come up with a lie in seconds.

"Because if we were leaving school grounds on our second day at a new school after being kicked out of our old school for delinquent behavior – do you see where I'm going with this?" Mr Flutie warns them

"Mr. Giles!" Buffy exclaimed hoping That Kayla could come up with the rest of the lie

"What?" Mr Flutie said confused

"He asked me to get a book for him. From the store 'cause I have a free period and I'm a big reader did it mention that on my transcripts?And Buffy was coming because ... We haven't  mabey that many friends and I didn't want to leave her but she got Mr Giles permission as well" Kayla told him

"Mr. Giles." He stated

"Ask him." Kayla said hoping he would have their back in case he asked

Mr. Flutie shuts and locks the gate while saying "Well, maybe that's how they do things in Britain, they've got that royal family and all kinds of problems. But here at Sunnydale nobody leaves campus while school's in session. Are we clear?"

"We're clear." The twins replied in unison

"That's the Buffy and Kayla Summers I want in my school. The sensible girls, with their feet on the ground." He told them smiling , then he turns to leave.

Standing before the fence. After a bit they jump up, over the fence, a moment later we see them on the Other side before they run off

A/N- I know its super short i just wanted to give you something to read before i start my exams because i wont be updating now until the end of june. Comment what you think

The Protector and the SlayerDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora