Welcome to the hellmouth part 3

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The girls where in their bed room getting ready to go to the Bronze.  Buffy was in the agony of outfit choosing, were as Kayla was already  onto doing her natural make up. She has two, one scanty and the other  somewhat plain. Buffy holds them alternatively in front of her, looking  in the mirror.

holding up one of the outfits buffy said "Hi! I'm an enormous slut!" She then switched to the other outfits

"Hi! Would you like a copy of the Watchtower?" Kayla told Buffy

Buffy throws them both down of her bed "I used to be so good at this..."

Just then Joyce enters watching the girl.

"Are you going out tonight, honeys?" She asked the girls

"Yeah, Mom. We are going to a club" Buffy answered.

"Will there be boys there?" Joyce inquired

"No, Mom; it's a nun club." Kayla said sarcastically

"Well, just be careful."

"We will." The twins answer at the same time.

As the conversation went into serious territory, the twins and their mother become somewhat uncomfortable with each other.

"I  think we can make it work here. I've got my positive energy flowing.  I'm gonna get the gallery on its feet - We may already have found a  space." Joyce said to the girls

"Great." Buffy said

"And that school is a very nurturing environment, which is what you need."

"Mom..." Kayla warned

"Oh,  not too nurturing. I know. You're sixteen, I read all about the dangers  of over nurturing. It's hard. New town and all. For me, too. I'm trying  to make it work. I'm going to make it work." Their mother told them  honestly

"We know."

"You're  good girls, You just fell in with the wrong crowd. But that's all behind us now."

"It is. From now on, we are only hanging out with the living. " Buffy said not realising what she had said

"She-She  mean, the lively... people." Kayla corrected her

"Okay, have fun."

Buffy  and Kayla made their way on foot to the Bronze. they leave the suburban  area the house is in for the deserted city streets on the edge of town.

They  turn a corner, walks down the street, lost in thought - until Kayla  heard footsteps behind them. Kayla looked at buffy to see if she heard  them too and Buffy nodded in response to the unasked question. They  stopped and slowly turned around.

A figure stands in the dark behind  them. Far enough away that they can't see its face but it seems to be  looking at them. The girls turn to go. The figure follows.

The twins turned the corner, somewhat worried - moving faster. The figure follows, always at a discreet distance.

The  girls turned into an alleyway. Kayla looks about her. A pipe runs  across the narrow alley some ten feet above her. Kayla gets an idea and  hits buffy arm to get her attention.

The figure turns into the now-empty alley, started to walk down it.

Buffy  and Kayla suddenly dropped down on him, Buffy's legs locked over his  neck and Kayla's legs locked over his torso. The girls throw themselves  back, tipping him over, rolling themselves and slamming his body onto  the ground. He's on his feet quickly, but Kayla grabs him and throws him  up against the wall. Buffy closes in, but he makes no move to attack.  Puts up his hands.

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