The Harvest Part 4

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Buffy, Kayla and Xander entered the library , somewhat the worse for their adventure. Willow takes one look at their faces and doesn't have to ask. She does anyway.

"Did you find Jesse?"

"Yeah." Xander mumbled

"Was he dead?" Willow asked

"Worse." Buffy answered

She sits heavily.

"I'm sorry, Willow. We were too late. And they were waiting for us." Kayla told her sincerely

"At least you three are okay." Willow said looking on the upside

"I don't like vampires. I'm gonna take a stand and say they're not good."  Xander told them while kicking a trash bin in frustration.

"So, Giles, you got anything that can make this day worse?" Kayla questioned

"How about the end of the world." He replied

"I knew I could count on you." Kayla said sassy

"This is what we know. Some sixty years ago a very old, very powerful vampire came to this shore and not just to feed." Giles informed them

"He came 'cause this town is a mystical whoosit?" Buffy guessed

"Yes. The Spanish who first settled here called it Boca Del Inferno -- roughly translated:Hellmouth. A sort of portal from this reality to the next. This vampire hoped to open it." Giles carried on informing them

"And bring back the demons" Kayla finished for him

"End of the world." Xander stated

"But he blew it. Or, I mean, there was an earthquake that swallowed about half the town. And him too -- or at least there were no more vampire-type killings after." Willow told them

"Opening dimensional portals is tricky business. Odds are he got himself stuck. Like a cork in a bottle." Giles explained

"And this Harvest thing is to get him out?" Xander asked

"It comes once in a century, on this night. A Master can draw power from one of his minions while it feeds. Enough power to break free, and to open the portal. The minion is called the Vessel, and he bears this symbol." Giles told them  as he showed them a sketch of the three-pointed star.

"So, Me and Kayla dust anyone sporting this look, and no Harvest." Buffy stated bluntly

"Simply put, yes." Giles replies

"Any clue where this little get-together is being held?" Kayla asked him

"Well, there are a number of possibilities—" Giles started

"They're going to the Bronze." Xander said cutting Giles off

"Are you sure?" Willow asked him

"Come on, tasty young morsels all over the place. Anyway, that's where Jesse's gonna be. Trust me." Xander told them

"Then we need to get there. The sun will be down before long." Giles told them as they head out toward the door.

"We gotta make a stop. Won't take long." Kayla stated

"What for?" Giles questioned

"Supplies." Kayla answered like it was the most obvious thing in the world

The last rays are streaming in as Buffy and Kayla entered their room and starts going through their closet.

"Buffy?Kayla?" Their mom, Joyce Summers enters. The twins keep going through their clothes, picking out a good slaying outfit. "You're going out?" She asked them

"We have to." Kayla told her

"I didn't hear you come in last night." Joyce inquired

" We were quiet."

"It's happening again, isn't it?" Joyce asked them

They stop and look at her.

"I got a call from your new principal. Says you missed some classes today." She told the twins

"I was... running an errand needed Buffy's help" Kayla lied to her as she pulled an old trunk out of her closet. She opens it, starts going through it.

"We haven't finished unpacking and I'm getting calls from your principal." Joyce told them looking disappointed

"Mom, I promise you, it's not gonna be like before. But we have to go." Buffy said while walking towards the door with Kayla in tow

"No." Joyce stated

"Mom..." They whined in unison, Kayla looks at the window, at the growing dark.

"The tapes all say I should get used to saying it. No." She replied sticking to her ground

"This is important." Kayla stated

"I know. You have to go out or it'll be the end of the world. Everything is life or death when you're a sixteen year old girl."Joyce said thinking she understood what was going on between them

"Mom,we don't have time to talk about it—"Buffy started

"You've got all night, Buffy. You're not going anywhere. Now you can stay up here and sulk if you want. I won't hold it against you. But if you want to come down, I'll make us some dinner." Joyce said cutting her off as she leaves, closing the door quietly but firmly behind her. After a moment, Kayla reaches into the truck. In the trunk is Girl stuff, memorabilia, Teen Beat magazines. Kayla reaches in and lifts out the inside -- the trunk has a false bottom. Below it stakes, crosses, host, garlic, and a wide mouthed jar of holy water.

Buffy leans over Kayla and takes out a particularly deadly looking stake. It fits in her hand like it's part of her. She stuffs it into a bag, along with a few other items. However Kayla grabs a metal axe that makes her look extra badass.They stand and go to the door. Listens by it.Kayla gets to the window, opens it and lets buffy out before she starts crawling out herself.

Outside the Bronze Kayla and the others run up to the front door. She tries it -- it's locked.
"It's locked." Kayla told them

"We're too late." Giles explains

"Well, I didn't know we was gonna get grounded!" Kayla said defensively

"Can you break it down?" Xander asked the twins

"Not this thing. You guys try the back entrance. I'll find my own way." Kayla ordered them

"What am not leaving you" Buffy stated to her

" Well someone has to make sure they don't get themselves killed" Kayla  told her while looking at the others

"Right. Come on." Buffy said to the others while giving Kayla a hug

"Guys!" Kayla shouted

They stop. Kayla handed Buffy their bag of tricks.

The window opens slowly, an oblivious vampire before it. Kayla slips in. She looks down at the stage, at Luke.

"I feel him rising! I need another!" Luke demanded

She sees the three-pointed star on his head.

"The Vessel..." Kayla whispered to herself

The vampire turns, hearing this. He grabs Kayla, dragging her up to he middle of the balcony to present her to Luke.

"Tonight in his ascension. Tonight will be History at its end! Yours is a glorious sacrifice. Degradation most holy." Luke continued  while looking around "What, no volunteers?"

Darla emerges, holding Cordelia. "Here's a pretty one."

"Noooo..." Cordelia said struggling against her grip

Darla drags her toward the stage and hands her over to Luke.

Kayla slips out of the vampire's grasp and throws him off the balcony. he lands wham on his back right in front of the stage.
"Oh, I'm sorry. Were you in the middle something." She apologised sarcastically

"YOU!"  Luke shouted

"You didn't think I'd miss this, did you?" Kayla asked him

"I hoped you'd come." He said with a smile growing on his face

A vampire comes at Kayla from the side and she grabs him, throws him into the hookah pit.He scrambles back up and she flips herself over backwards, goes through the hole and lands on top of the pool table. A cue is lying on the table she does a hand spring and lands on the floor holding on the cue.
A vampire rushes her from the side without looking, she JAMS the cue end into his heart and when Kayla  lets go, the cue stays right where it is.

"Okay, Vessel-boy. You want blood?" she questioned, She steps forward just as the cue rises like the arm of a guard gate and we hear the vampire's body thud to the floor.

"I want yours. Only yours." Luke told her

"Then come and get it." She teased him

Cordelia, seeing her chance, tries to break free of Luke's grasp. He throws her to one side and Kayla runs, leaps at him, slams her fist into his face, electricity sparks visible on her hand. This one really hurts, and he stumbles back in pain. He comes back at her but she ducks, comes back up with a roundhouse kick to the face. She ships out her axe sending electricity all the way through it and comes at him -- but he blocks. Nails her in the face, and she skids into the corner, badly hurt. The axe falls at his feet. Kayla kicks Luke in the chest. He flies back, landing hard. She's about to go in for the kill when she sees. A vampire going for Buffy , who's too busy shepherding people out to notice.

Kayla turns to the drum kit and kicks the cymbal right off the stand. She catches it in mid-air,the vampire reaches for Buffy, grabs he--Kayla  hurls the cymbal, Frisbee style--the vampire turns, eyes wide, and the cymbal flies straight at his neck.

"Heads up" Buffy said softly giving Kayla a thankful smile

Kayla barely has time to turn before Luke GRABS her from behind, lifting her up in a crushing bear hug.

Buffy was going to help Kayla when she heard a shriek, turns and sees Cordelia is being dragged off into the area below the stairs by Jesse. He throws her to the ground, kneeling above her. Pinning her.

"Hold still! You're not helping."

Xander and Buffy appeared behind Jesse, holding a stake. He could plunge it right through the back into the heart, but he hesitates but Buffy gives him a supportive nod.

"Jesse, man... don't make me do it."

Jesse looks around, grinning inhumanly. "Buddy..."

Kayla is failing to get out of Luke's grasp. He squeezes even harder and she beings to lose consciousness but was able to see what Jesse was doing

"I've always wanted to kill a Protector..."

Kayla is limp in Luke's grasp. Head dangling forward.

"Master, taste of this and be free." Luke said as He opens wide, leans in -- and Kayla head-butts him with the back of her head, sends him staggering back.

"How'd it taste?" Kayla tried to be sassy but was  to weak but She grabs the cymbal stand, holds it as a weapon. Looks around her -- and see the windows at the back of the stage. It's painted black, one huge pane. Kayla looks at it then at Luke. She swings the cymbal stand at an approaching Luke. He smiles.

"You forget. Metal can't hurt me." He told her

"There's something you forgot about, too." She warned him

He hesitates, doubt clouding his face.

"Sunrise." she takes the stand and hurls it right through the plate glass window at the back of the stage -- shattering the entire thing.

As the warm light streams in on him, he screams, raises his hands  and stops. Puzzled. Kayla  drives the axe in through his back. He arches forward, in real agony this time.

"It's in about nine hours, moron." She stated
And Luke realizes the light from the window is merely a streetlight, shining in the darkness. Luke stumbles forward-

Kayla looks down at the spot where Luke's body was. After a moment, she turns her gaze slowly toward the vampires.

They look at the expression on her face for about 1/8th of a second, then they drop Xander and bolt out of the front door. Giles and Willow come slowly out, meet the Twins and Xander in the middle of the dance floor.

"I take it it's over." Giles stated

"Did we win?" Willow asked

For a moment they look about at the carnage that surrounds them. Most of the patrons have fled, though some remain, stunned and silent.

"Well, we averted the apocalypse. You gotta give us points for that." Kayla told them with a small smile

"One thing's for sure. Nothing is ever gonna be the same." Xander said looking around again

Everything is exactly the same. We see kids milling about, talking, laughing in the bright sunshine.

"Well, I heard it was rival gangs. Anyway, Buffy and Kayla totally knew these guys which is too weird. I can't remember anything too well, but I'm telling you, it was a freak show" Cordelia told her friends walking in the school quad

Buffy and the others nearby, crossing the other way. Xander has a look of disbelief on his face.

"Well, what exactly where you expecting?" Buffy asked him

"I don't know! Something. The dead rose! We should've at least had an assembly."

"People have a tendency to rationalize what they can, and forget what they can't." Giles explained to him

"Believe me, I've seen it happen." Kayla told them

"Well, I'll never forget it. None of it." Willow stated

"Good. Next time you'll be prepared." Giles said casually

"Next time?" Xander questioned

"We stopped the master from freeing himself and opening the mouth of Hell. Doesn't mean he'll stop trying. I'd say the fun is just beginning." Giles told them

"More vampires?" Willow asked

"Not just vampires. The next creature we face maybe something quite different."

"I can hardly wait." Kayla said sarcastically

"We're at a center of mystical convergence here. We may in fact stand between the earth and total destruction." Giles informed them

"Guys, this isn't good." Xander stated

"Well, I gotta look on the bright side. Maybe I can still get kicked out of school." Kayla replied joking ,She smiles at Giles and starts off, the other three keeping up with her.

"Hey, that's a plan. 'Cause a lot of schools aren't on Hellmouths." Xander asked her

"Maybe you could blow something up. They're really strict about that." Willow said

"I was aiming for a subtle approach, like excessive not studying." The twins replied in unison

Giles watches them go, an uneasy smile plastered on his lips.

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