Wecome To The Hellmouth part 2

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Buffy and Kayla entered the library, looking about it. It's elegant, full of dark wood, streaming sunlight and books. It's also empty. They both stepped in, looking around. Kayla looks down at the check-out counter to see a newspaper Folded, with an article on the first page circled in red. The headline reads: LOCAL BOYS STILL MISSING, with a blurry picture of three brothers. Kayla hits Buffy in the arm to get her to look, they both pull a face and wander further in, peering around bookcases

"Hello...Is anyone here?"  Buffy shouts

And someone touches Kayla from behind; startled she grabs Buffy's hand and spins them around.

"Can I help you?" a British, middle age man asked with intensity.

"We was looking for some, well, books. We're new." Buffy answered him

"The Summers twins" He says

"good call, Guess we're the only new twins" Kayla tells him

"I'm Mr. Giles, the librarian." He introduces himself

"Great. So you have, uh" Buffy said

"I know what you're after."

He leads them to the check-out desk by the door. His office can be seen behind it. He pulls a book out and slides it toward them. Huge leather bound, with a single word set in gild in the cover. Vampire

Real concern floods Buffy and Kayla's face, along with the understanding. They step back from the desk, eyes on the librarian.

"That's not what I'm looking for." They say in unison

"Are you sure?"

"We're way sure" Kayla told him

"My mistake."

As soon as he turned to put the book under the counter Kayla tugged buffy out of the library.

Later on during lunch Kayla and Buffy was looking for somewhere to sit when they spotted Willow on a bench carefully taking out her packed lunch. They both approached her

"Uh, hi. Willow, right?" Buffy greets

"Why? I mean Hi. Did you want me to move?" Willow said confused to why the twins where talking to her

"Why don't we start with hi I'm Kayla"

"And I'm Buffy" they introduced themselves while taking a seat on the bench either side of her

"And then let's segue directly into me asking you for a favour. It doesn't involve moving, but it does involve you hanging out with us for a while." Kayla then said

"But aren't you... hanging with Cordelia?"

" can't we do both?" Buffy

"Not legally."

"Well good cos I'm not a big fan of her anyway" Kayla answered

"Look, I really want to get by here. New school... Cordelia's been really nice - to us, anyway -but I have this burning desire not to flunk all my classes, and I heard a rumour that you were the person to talk to if I wanted to get caught up and let me tell you Kayla needs to get her grades up in everything." Buffy stated

"Hey not my fault I had other things on my mind before we moved" Kayla defended herself

"Oh, I could totally help you out! If you have sixth period free we could meet in the library -"Willow said before getting cut off by Buffy

"-or not. Or, you know, we could meet somewhere quieter. Louder. That place kind of gives me a Wiggins."

"It has that effect on most kids. I love it, though. It's a great collection, and the new librarian's really cool."

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