The Witch Part 2

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Kayla and Willow were walking down the corridor when they saw Buffy and Amy, however Amy walked off from Buffy seeming upset.

"Is she okay?" Willow asked Buffy

"No, she's, she's wiggin' about her mom, big cheer queen back when." Buffy replied looking at the trophy case

"Yeah, her mom's kinda..."

"...Nazi like?" Kayla guessed looking towards Willow 

"Heil. If she gains an ounce she padlocks the fridge and won't  eat anything but broth." Willow explained to the twins

"So, mommy dearest is really... Mommy Dearest?"  Kayla added

"There's a bitter streak. But Amy's nice. We used to hang in Junior High. When her mom would go on a broth kick, Amy'd come over to  my house and we'd stuff ourselves with brownies!" Willow said smiling at the memory

They start down the hall.

"Hey, any word on Amber?"  Buffy questioned

"Nothing thrilling. Average student. Got detention once, for smoking. Regular smoking... with a cigarette, not, like, being smoky." Willow replied


"All pretty normal. Have to wait and see what happens" Kayla told her sister

"Maybe  nothing will." Buffy added

" yeah right, In our dreams maybe" Kayla laughed


The Summers kitchen. The toaster pops up, and Buffy pulled out a freshly  toasted half of a bagel. She takes it to the island in the middle of the kitchen for more preparation. Kayla was already sitting at the island taking a bite out of her own bagel. Their mother walked in.

"Look what I found. It's my yearbook from junior year. Oh, look! There I am." Joyce said putting the book down on the island and goes to get a cup of coffee.

"Mom, I've accepted that you've had sex. I am not ready to know  that you had Farrah hair." Buffy told her mother while looking at the book

" Ew Buffy, I hadn't accepted that, we were miracle babies" Kayla replied to her twins comment making both her sister and mother giggle

"This is Gidget hair. Don't they teach you anything in history?" Joyce stated

"Well, it's really cool, but we gotta book." Kayla told her mother getting up from her chair and taking both hers and Buffy plate to the sink.

"Well, I was thinking. I know the cheerleading thing didn't work out... Maybe you should think about joining the yearbook staff. I did,  it was a lot of fun. Or just joining something in general Kayla" Joyce explained to her daughters

"Not really my tip, mom." Buffy told her while opening the fridge

"Mum I cant between helping  Mr Giles sort the library and studying with willow. I have no time." Kayla lied to her mother

"I was, uh, photo editor. I got to be on every page, made me look much more popular than I was." Joyce laughed

"And have you seen the kids that do yearbook? Nerds pick on them." Buffy stated grabbing her bag

"Some of the best times I had in school were working on the yearbook!" Joyce stated slightly insulted by the comments

"Oh, this just it, we are not you! I'm into my own thing. So is Buffy."  Kayla explained walking towards the door ready to leave

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31, 2019 ⏰

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