Reason #16: You'll Never Be Able to Let Her Go

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The next morning I was down. I laid in bed for a seriously long time, just staring up at the ceiling. All that was running through my head was Abby. Beautiful Abby. All her things I had labeled quirks, and now wanted to see more than anything. I missed her.

That's when my mom decided to walk in on me. "Hey Will," she said, "Breakfast's ready. How was prom? You got home earlier than I expected."

Normally I would have made a fuss on my mom walking into my room without knocking, but today I didn't bother. "Prom was fine," I said, shrugging, "Cassidy was crowned prom queen. I was prom king."

"Did you guys do anything after that?" my mom asked, raising an eyebrow.

The truth was that Cassidy was too angry at me for still talking to Abby. So I had come home before prom was even officially over. And the second part of that truth, I was glad to finally escape.

"I wasn't really in the mood, I guess," I said, shrugging.

"You're a teenage boy and you weren't really in the mood?" my mom asked in disbelief, "That is incredible."

I rolled my eyes. She sighed.

"You haven't been acting right for a while. You okay?" my mom asked.

I sighed, sitting up, "Mom, I messed up. I messed up big time. I hurt someone in the process. And I don't know how to fix it."

"Is this about what happened between you and Bobby?" my mom asked.

"Sort of," I said, "But not really."

"Is this about you and Abby?" my mom asked. I raised an eyebrow. "What, I'm your mom. I notice stuff. Like you not taking Abby to prom," she said with a shrug.

I sighed, "Yeah."

"Oh Will," my mom said. I hated when she said that. "Oh Will." Anyway. "Will, girls will come and go. You'll have dozens of girlfriends before you find the one."

"I know, it's just, I feel bad you know," I said, "And then when she was at prom, I just couldn't get her out of my head."

"You will," my mom said, "You'll know when you find the right one too."

"And then I'll mess up that one too," I said, "Go for a 'better girl'."

"No, you won't," my mom said, "Because you'll know she's the one. You'll change yourself for her."

"Mom, you're not getting it. I did change for Abby," I said," I mean, I loved her, and then I traded her in for a better model."

My mom looked at me with a blank stare, as if I had just told her something crazy. Then I realized I had.

I loved Abby.

"Oh my gosh," I muttered, "I've made a huge mistake. I have to find Abby."

A moment later I was extremely glad I had worn boxers to bed the night before.

"Will, you know this sounds crazy right?" my mom asked.

"Good," I said, "I need it to be."

I got dressed, then grabbed my phone. How the heck was I even going to find Abby. Then I got it. What did Abby do most on the weekends.

Go to Cons.

I pulled up Sophie's Facebook page. Luckily for me, Sophie was a plan on posting about going to cons.

Sure enough, she had posted about being ready to go to a con only 25 minutes ago. Heck, it was our home town. I could get there. I could be on time.

I looked down at my clothing, getting a completely insane idea.

I pulled the cosplay out of my closet, getting dressed. Lucky for me Harry had been to busy not talking to me to get it back. I threw it on. Man, I had forgotten how tight this thing was.

Ten minutes later I was walking out the door. "Um, Will," my dad asked, "What are you wearing?"

"Not important. Be back later," I said, walking out.

One part of going to Cons I hadn't thought about. There are a ton of people, in costume, and any of them could be Abby.

Okay, not the overweight man dressed as Slave Leia but otherwise, yeah, any of them.

Then I saw her from across the room. Skin tight uniform emblazoned with black edges. Black boots. Yellow tinted glasses

I practically ran up to her. "Abby," I said, stopping in from of her. Her smile she had been wearing floated away.

"Will," she said, "What are you doing here. Why are you in Harry's cosplay?"

"I need to talk to you Abby," I said, "Please just hear me out." I took a deep breath.

"Abby, I can't stop thinking about you," I blurted, "Please. I made a huge mistake. And ever since I saw you at prom, I realized, I love you. Abby I love you, green or red or pink hair and all. I love you. And when I saw you at prom, I realized I didn't love the you that looked normal. I loved you and all your geek. You don't have to dye your hair, have pretty dresses. I love you just the way you are."

Abby paused for a moment. Then I realized my mistake.

The person she was cosplaying was blonde.

"How stupid do you think I am, Will?" Abby asked, "My hair is blonde because Barbara Morse has blonde hair. I wasn't looking normal for you. I was looking pretty because its prom. And what makes you think that out of the blue you saying how much you love me is going to make me take you back. I am not a damsel in distress, go save someone who needs it."

She pushed me back. My heart sank.

"I'm sorry," I said, "I screwed up there too."

"You sure did," Abby said, "Now leave me alone. Go hang out with Cassidy. Obviously her heart is worth mine anyway."

"I made that bet before I ever knew you!" I shouted, "I made that bet before I ever even dated you. Before I felt anything towards you other than superiority! I never wanted to let you go! Bobby broke up with you for me!"

"Well he did a pretty good job didn't he?" Abby shouted back. At this point, I realized a crowd gathering around us. I didn't care.

"I haven't talked to him since!" I shouted. Abby looked at my carefully. I realized I had her attention. "Abby, I gave him up for you! Does that not say anything? I've given up dozens of friends for you. And I swear, I'm at risk to lose everything because of this girl I dated for two months. Okay! I don't want to play hockey, because I hate the people! I go through the motions every day, only hoping that I get to see you! Not even talk to me! I'm sorry I treat you like a damsel in distress, because maybe its just because that's how I know to be the hero. Maybe I'm the damsel in distress. So for God's sake, Abby, save me!"

Abby stopped. looking around the room.

"Abby please," I whispered, only seconds away from begging on my knees, "If you're Princess Leia, Han's got nothing on me."

At that there was a collective "Awww" in the room.

"Did you just make a Star Wars reference?" Abby just asked with a slight smile.

"I did my best," I said, shrugging.

Abby smiled. "You owe me big time," she said, "But maybe I'll save you one more time."

I smiled, took the two steps it took to close the gap between us, wrapping my arms around her. The crowd started moving again.

"Thank God!" Sophie said. I had forgotten she was even there.

"Hi," a girl said, "Um, I was just wondering if I could get a picture of the two of you for my blog. Its so cute, the Hawkeye and Mockingbird thing."

"Sure," I said. I looked to Abby. "Can I be number 19?"

Before she answered, she pressed her lips to mine.

Maybe dating a geek girl isn't so bad after all.

16 Reasons You Should Never Date A Geek GirlWhere stories live. Discover now