Shadow Hider

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I saw him. I was currently looked through the bookshelves in Phantomhive's Manor at Sebastian. Ciel said his servants were useless last time, taking a picture, so since I had a more upgraded version of the camera, he told me to take a picture of his demon butler.

"Ichi, ni, sun.." I mumbled, as it took a silent click while I jumped out of the secret passage, before I was seen by the demon. I landed on the ground without falling even though I jumped from the second floor. "Arooo!" I flinched, as I looked to my side only to be pounced on by a naked man with silver hair, or as I could tell, a demon hound.

"Plutooooo!" A scratchy high-voice said as a maid with big conky glasses came running towards us. I became suddenly aware I was going to be noticed, as I jumped in the nearest bush and tried shooing away the demon hound.

"Go away you hound. Shoo, shoo." I whispered, accidentally hitting the hound in the face as he flew in to the maid. "Aw crap... Time to run now." I mumbled, jumping out of the bush and jumping across the branches of the trees.


 "Today's a curry competition, eh?" I looked at the paper, as Ciel Phantomhive invited me to watch from the background. I walked around the place as I suddenly saw Ciel and his staff, with an Indian man.

I hid behind a statue as I saw them split up. Ah, why am I hiding? I'm just a regular person, watching the show, right? I sighed in dismay at my acting as I walked in the shadows towards the show that was about to start.

"Now, let the competition sta-" Trumpets started playing as I looked where the crowd was looking to see the.... Queen?!

I pushed to the front, then became aware that the demon butler was on stage and Ciel was only a bit away from me. The competition finally started, and I got the chills from Lord Druitt's comments the entire time.

I went to try some of the curry, as the plain looking one with chicken in it interested me. I took a bite of it, then spit it out. "Kali ma.." I mumbled, then put the plate down, and tried Sebastian's. The blue lobster didn't look interesting, since I've already eaten one of those before.

I took a bite of the curry bun then had to restrain myself from moaning in pure happiness. A demon can make such a good, pure curry bun like this?! I grabbed atleast two or three before sitting back in the shadows until some indian woman started rampaging.

"Seems the Kali ma is taking effect." I said to myself, as some dudes came at me, also rampaging, as I stuffed my curry bun in my mouth and kicked them in the faces. "Ah.. I have to waste these." I groaned, as I threw the buns in the guys mouths while they turned back to normal.

I looked on the stage to see Sebastian and another contestant fighting the others, especially the indian woman as she was stepped on by the indian man that was with Ciel earlier. Sebastian was then ordered by Ciel to make them all eat the curry buns.

"Slow enough..?" I questioned Ciel in the shadows, smirking. Of course, I felt the Kali ma kicking in too, for me. But luckily, I was eating demon food so it wasn't that bad. It would soon vanish anyways since I was usually resistant to everything.

I guess it would've been bad for me to be taken over, then my cover would be exposed, now wouldn't it?

After the ruckus finally went down, the Queen, or more likely her butler, Ash, said that the Funtom Company won the Royal Warrant. I may wanna try some more of their food products now, since a demon might make most of it.

I watched Ash talking to Ciel from the left side corners of the area, out of sight, as a certain demon butler decided to look my way for a split second. I just acted like a casual person and turned my head the other way, looking like I was searching for someone, as I felt his red eyes slowly turn away and follow his master.

"Yea, follow the puppy. Back to your home." I grinned, looking at them in the corner of my eye. Sebastian was walking this way, partly, then stopped as he looked back at Ciel and them, as I could just tell what he was saying by reading his lips.

The indian boy, who I presume is someone special, just then started hugging Ciel in a headlock as I was about to run over and help him, then noticed it was just a hug, not a killing thing. Agh, I could hear his cries all the way over here.

He was sobbing 'Mina, Mina.' over and over again. While Sebastian and the other Indian guy were talking, I could see Ciel trying to push the whiny baby off of him while I chuckled a little, in my hand.

Then I felt my eyes sadden, as I kept a small smile on my face. They're just like a family, sort of.

And I'm just like the unwanted and unseen, the Shadow Hider.

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