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Huh….” I looked at them in dismay. “Welcome your new maid, Mofe Rimanda McManus.” What the heck is happening here…?

One minute I’m sitting in a shop drinking tea and eating cake after getting money from my last job from another person I’ve helped, and the next I find myself standing in front of the staff of Phantomhive Manor, especially a grinning Sebastian and happily-panting Pluto.

“Isn’t she..?” Finni whispered to Mey-rin, as they had questioning looks on their faces. “She’s the lady that helped us, yes she is!” Mey-rin replied, as Baldroy just almost accidentally pressed the button on his flamethrower.

Pluto jumped on me as he started licking me happily on the face while I couldn’t help but smile at his actions as I was sitting crisscross on the floor, petting Pluto while Mey-rin handed me a maid’s uniform. I looked at it in disgust.

I then looked at Ciel Phantomhive with a pouty face, making him step back in shock. “W-what?” He asked, as I still made the pouty face and did a baby voice. “Can I make my own outfit? Does it haaaafe to be a maid uniform?” I pleaded, as he face-palmed in despair.

“It’s alright. As long as it doesn’t seem wrong…” He mumbled in his hand, looking away. Sebastian looked at Ciel surprised, but then brushed it off as he leaned his hand down for me. “I’m good.” I said, standing up on my own as I continued petting Pluto, even scratching behind his ears as he barked in pleasure.

“Since the day is already almost over, let us have a Grand Ball for today’s special day.” I looked at him questioningly, as Ciel still had his straight face on. “Why Ciel?” I asked. He looked at me and I swear, I could see him smirk.

“Because today is Christmas, and the day you have an actual job, not errands.” He said just a little enthusiastically. Everyone but Sebastian and I gasped as I just simply smirked. “What kind of ball?” I asked.

“A masquerade.”

I looked through my wardrobe, wondering how they found my temporary living quarters and got all my stuff here in a matter of minutes. I grabbed one of my outfits as I smiled. It was a short dress really; it was strapless and was a baby blue color with bits of black here and there. It stopped right above my knees and had separate sleeves that went from my elbows past my hands.

It had booty shorts connected to it that were a lightish gray and had a choker with a blue diamond to go along with it. There was barely any back at all to the dress, leaving some skin exposed, stopping at the small of back. It had raven feathers here and there, and I had a headband with a blue and white mixed rose connected to it.

My bangs were parted to the side of my face, covering partly one eye, as I put my hair in low pigtails. I searched through my masks as I saw the right one staring at me. It had strange carvings all around the eye holes and stopped above my nose, letting it curve down both sides stopping at my chin in a tip-down motion.

It had an elegant gold rim to it and was actually black with white lines. Of course, that meant making my red eyes stand out more than usual. Mey-rin knocked on my door and came in wearing a fluffy dress with her hair down and her conky glasses on.

“Oh you are pretty, yes you are!” She said, smiling as she told me it was starting. “Ah, Sebastian need’s help with making the treats, right?” I questioned as she nodded. “I’ll be alright, Mey-rin. I have an apron for this type of stuff.”

I grabbed my apron as I stuffed my mask in the pocket as I grabbed my hooker-looking boots (Like Alois’s but blue) and walked towards the kitchen, silent as a cat. I put the hooker boots to the side of the door as I walked it wearing the apron since it covered almost all of my dress, and I can put my hair back up again later. I wasn’t even wearing the choker yet either.

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