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We stayed in the shadows of Trancy's residence as Sebastian was still hurtfully pissed off, so was I. I mean, why wouldn't you be when your master's soul was just taken from you, being tricked by another demon? I actually thought Ciel was fairly smart until now.

Sebastian broke the tree beside him as I didn't even flinch. He broke another tree because of the was Claude was treating Ciel like a sweet treat, that is also sour but then is very sweet again. Sebastian kept breaking trees because of how pissed off he was.

Frankly, I almost did it too, just to the actual mansion, not the trees. I'm totally eco-friendly, not dushbag friendly. "Are you alright Sebastian?" I asked, as he nodded with a straight face on. I sort of worried about him. He was like a child who is having a tantrum because he lost his precious special candy.

We stood in the back gardens as Claude came out. "It seems a storm has come." He mocked me and Sebastian while I growled at him. Claude held a little bird on his finger as he said it shouldn't be afraid. I became even more pissed off when he purposefully made snarky comments.

"You greedy little bastard." I snarled, frankully I don't know why I'm siding with Sebastian. One I guess because Claude took and brainwashed Ciel into his doing and killed Alois Trancy. But other then that, I don't know why I'm with Sebastian because If I remember correctly, Sebastian didn't trust me at first until they disappeared 1 year and 3 months ago.

I heard a snap as I looked over to see Grell taking pictures of the pissed-off Sebastian. "Really Grell...?" Ah, he said the wrong thing just then. About letting Claude go. Sebastian hit him with the statue he was hiding behind.

We sat on top of a mountain as Sebastian set up a table for us and some milk tea called Suutei Tsai. Aparrently it's a variety of milk tea with rock salt. I felt sorry for Grell because his face was all mashed up by the statue.

Grell was shocked with the rock salt part since salt pervades fresh wounds, bringing about a sharp twinge. "Poor Grell." I said, as I took a cup of it. Sebastian said he added lots and lots of rock salt in it for Grell, while mine was probably just milk tea.

Grell was hesitant but still took a sip of it as he screamed in pain over the hurt in his mouth, saying the twinge of love was irresistible. I really felt sorry for him, but I couldn't help but laugh at that.

Grell explained the whole thing, including me saying some more parts since I actually saw Alois being exactly killed, while Sebastian gave me the look as to why I didn't say it earlier. I already knew Ciel was going through the ritual to transfer souls, but I still felt sorry for him.

Grell still drank the tea, even though it had rock salt galore, as he asked why Sebastian went after Ciel's soul. "Someone else asked me the very same thing." He replied, as I nodded as why he is going to such an extent.

"To find the answer, I advise you look at that demon's relaxed and licentious face." He growled, looking down at the mansion. "REALLY GOOD!" We heard, as I looked at Sebastian's shadow to see the dark aura even stronger, but I looked at mine which was also on fire, with a light bluish color.

"Se-Sebas-chan?" Grell said nervously, looking at Grell. "Let us go, Mr. Grell." Sebastian said, as Grell freaked out and tried to make an excuse. "Yes, let us go Grell." I mumured under my breath.

Sebastian jumped in the air as Grell thought it was cool and grabbed his camera. "Today, I plan to strike atleast eight more nice poses." He said to Grell, while I grinned. He really is a sneaky bastard, playing Grell like that. He ran off as Grell decided to follow us, since I was already on the doggie's trail.

We went to a burnt down looking village, as I remembered it from Alois's telling of his past. His actual past. "Want some fun?" A villager said, as she said she was just kidding as I felt a slight pange. I don't know why though.

"Welcome to the cursed village, Arachnohill." She greeted us, as Sebastian asked a question. "Didn't the village burn down? Why are you here alone?" He asked, as she replied, her smile fading away. "Yes, Only I was spared. By the demon."

She was explaining to us what happened when she was shot in the head. I looked back to see the triplets. Bleh, I don't even wanna say there names no more, even though they're just following Claude's orders.

"I am leaving." Sebastian said, as he ran towards the triplets. The triplets tried killing him but failed, as they were tied up on the tree with white thread, like a spider's web.

He asked Grell to use his death scythe as Grell complained at first but after Sebastian did a beauty moment, which made Grell AND me get a nosebleed, Grell chopped the three up with his death scythe.

We looked at their Cinematic Records as it showed that night the village was burned. We saw Ciel in their garden with Hannah as Grell looked at our shadows. "Se-Sebas-chan, Mofe, you're both going demonic!" He said nervously.

"That is enough." Sebastian said, taking down the thread. "I shall use your spider's thread." I guess he was talking to Claude.

"I cannot bear to see them putting their unsanitary hands all over my dinner." He said, walking quickly down the path with me following.


We stood at the door of the mansion as I hung in the shadow of the pillar while Sebastian was hanging from the top. "I am surprised. I thought you would just peep in, but here you are at the front door." Claude said, smiling.

"The young master ordered me to vanish from his sight. I am not violating his order if you see me." Sebastian commented back, as he jumped down while I stepped out of the shadows. Claude seemed a little surprised at seeing me but shrugged it off, since he saw me earlier too.

"I came here today to return this." He said, picking up his purple rose as he threw it in Claude's face to hit Claude in the stomach, making him fly a bit away before hitting the ground. "I am shocked." I heard him say as he put back on his glasses. "I did not think a demon would try to nullify an oath." Claude continued.

"Did you not break it first? We agreed to begin fighting over the young master's soul only after his revenge was accomplished, and had thus reached its best condition. Until that point, according to the oath, we were only supposed to use each other. " Sebastian explained, as Claude held up his rose.

"This is a type of tick that ruins the colour of the leaves." He simply said, as the rose crumbled in to dust. "Both our roses withered. The oath is broken." Claude said, as he told Sebastian he was going to consume the soul of Ciel but not just that, he wanted to taste the supreme of the soul.

"Indeed. It is not just that." Sebastian concluded, pulling on his glove. "Demons live eternally.During this long, overly-long time, we get bored.  The young master is like a spice in our dull world."

"His soul is wrapped in darkness, but not soiled by it. It makes us struggle. It makes us impatient, insane, and...." Claude continued on, as Sebastian finished for him, making me say it simutaneously too.

"It even gives us an excuse for a fight between demons." They both pulled out their silverware as they fought each other, most likely to the death?

Maybe not, but maybe just a simple conversation between two hellhounds, fighting for meat.

"Sebastian!" I heard Ciel's voice as I looked over at a tower covered in vines.

Claude thought he claimed victory, but he actually didn't when it was Alois doing the talking. Sebastian figured it out as Claude looked slightly disappointed. "That is not young master, that is..."

"Master Alois Trancy." Hannah said behind us as I glared at her a bit.

Such a villian. But not as much as Claude is.

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