Chapter 12

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April POV

I walk down the hall to where I was to meet the twins and Izic. It was near Christmas so I wanted to prank one of the teachers with a christmas theme. When I met the boys I told them my plan and they agreed right away. We put our plan to action and I smiled waiting for tomorrow. 

~Next day~

I wake up and get dressed into my robs. I am so excited because this will be my first time in classes since the quidditch game. I walk down to the great hall alone and I smile sitting by the twins. I smirk as I look at the present sitting on Professor Snape plate. When he sits down his eyes widens and he opens the present when all of a sudden there is a big boom and he is now dressed ing red and gold robs and the whole Slytherin table are covered in red and green robes. I start to laugh so hard and so does everyone in the great hall along with Professor Dumbledore and Professor Mcgonagall (I feel like I spelt that wrong. Please tell me if I did) I high five the twins and Izic. I look over at Harry and I wink at him letting him know it was me. I then stand up and walk to class with the Trio. 

~After classes because this are boring~

So now its a weekend and then after Sunday it is Christmas holiday. I walk into the common room and I look at a sign up sheet for who is staying at Hogwarts for Christmas and who isn't and I sigh. I don't know what I should do because I was to spend Christmas with my parents, but then I want to spend Christmas at Hogwarts. I sigh and walk over to Harry and I sit beside him laying my head on his shoulder taking his hand. You know it feels weird being his girlfriend but I like it at the same time. Harry looks down at me "Hey April whats wrong?" I just sigh "I don't know if I should stay here for Christmas or if I should spend it with Mom and Dad?" He smiles "Well why don't we stay here for Christmas eve and then in Christmas morning and then spend time with Sirius and Wendy for Christmas dinner?" I smile and nod kissing his cheek. "Thanks Harry you are so much help." He smiles and holds me close. Soon Izic comes and sits beside us and him and Harry start chatting it up right away as I start to fall asleep on Harry lap. Last thing I remember is falling asleep in Harry lap. 

Harry POV

I play with April hair as she sleeps while I chat with Izic. He is actually a lot of fun to talk to and I never knew he was related to Hagrid. Which makes him even cooler. I tell Izic about everything we have found so far like Fluffy and how Hagrid had a dragon, I tell him how was are looking for information about Nicholas Famell. (Don't think I spelt that right, tell me if I didn't?) Is tells me he has to go meet with Fred an George and Lee. I smile and tell him that I will see him around and I fall asleep holding April close to me. 



I know another short chapter but I am going to do all of Christmas in the next chapter! I will also tell you if April gets in trouble for the prank of not. Anyways I hope you love the chapter! Let me know if you read this Authors note but commenting the house you wish you were in.








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