Chapter 8

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A few weeks have past now. After harry met my parents that's all we could talk about. Spending Christmas and summer together every year. I'm excited. Right now I'm sitting in charms beside Ron and Harry. I'm partners with Harry like always, while Ron and Hermione are partners. Hermione and Ron are arguing about the charm because Ron pronounced it wrong. I try it and it doesn't work. I pout and look at Harry he says the spell and it blows up. I close my eyes tightly and place my hands to my eyes. The spell hurt my eyes. "Harry I can't see. Help me." I whimper. He takes my hand and a bell rings singling lunch. I stand and harry helps me walk. Ron is complaining about Hermione and I know she's right behind us. I can just feel it. I feel someone push past us and I know it's Hermione because Ron just said sh s a nightmare. Any girl would start crying if they were called a nightmare. Good thing my vision is back. I turn and stop in front of Ron and Harry. "How dare you Ronald!! She was just trying to help you in class. Trying to get you a better grade you didn't need to put her done like that. I thought she was your friend. Honestly. And Harry how could you not stop her. And you laughed?! What kind of friend are you." I glare at both of them before running off after Hermione. I get to the girls bathroom and I hear crying. I run in and knock on the stall I hear the crying come from "Hermione open up. Please I'm here to help. Those boys are gits" I hear the door unlock and all of a sudden I pulled in. I hug Hermione tightly "don't worry I chewed into Ron and Harry" we both giggle. For the rest of the day we sit in the bathroom and talk. I tell her about my mom and dad, but I swear her to secret. Later in the day we hear the door smash open and this really foul smell I cover my nose as does Hermione. I open the door and see a troll and I freak out slamming the door shut again. Hermione and I scream for help. We hear the door open again and Ron and Harry voice "Hermione?!! April?!!" "HARRY RON!!! HELP!!" Hermione and I both scream. We both duck when the trolls club comes down of the stalls. Soon Harry and Ron are throwing things at it trying to pull its attention away from us. The troll looks at them then back at us. The troll reaches down and picks me up. "HARRY!!!" I scream loading trying to get out of the trolls grip. The troll tightens its grip and I can't breath anymore. Harry jumps on the back of the troll and sticks his wand up its nose. Ewwww troll boogies. The troll starts smashing things with its club till all of a sudden it's gone. I look up at the trolls head just to see it being hit in the head with its own club. It falls to the ground but I'm still being crushed in its fist. "April hold on!! It's gonna be okay!!" Harry takes my hand and he looks really worried. My face starts turning purple and black dots cloud my vision. "H-help" I squeak out before everything goes black.


I watch as her eyes role into the back of her head and I start freaking out. Soon I have professor Dumbledore over by me. He says and spell and the troll lets go of my April. Wait did I just say my. I smirk to myself. I know I fancy April and I know she fancy me. I was going to ask her to be my girlfriend today till this happened. Oh uncle Sirius isn't going to be happy with me. I didn't protect his daughter good enough. I slowly pick up April and carry her to the hospital wing ignoring everyone that shouts my name back there. I don't care I need to get her to the hospital wing and quickly. I rush in kicking the doors in "Madame Pomfrey (don't think I spelt that right tell me if I'm wrong) I need help quick!!" I lay April down on one of the beds and I grab a piece of parchment and wright a quick letter to uncle Sirius.
Dear uncle Sirius
You need to get to the school quickly and bring auntie. April has been hurt! A troll grabbed her and had a death grip on her I tried to save her. I'm so sorry
I sat beside April bed holding her hand after I sent hedwig off to uncle Sirius. I hold APRIL hand and cry softly into the side of the bed. I don't notice when Ron and Hermione come and give me my clean wand back. The first time I look up is when the doors slam open and in walks uncle Sirius and auntie Wendy walks in. I look at the scared that they would be mad at me because I didn't protect her. Sirius walks right over to me and pulls me into a tight hug. I break down crying. I'm just an eleven year old boy who's bestfriend/girl he likes just got suffocated. I could get her out of the grip. "It's okay harry you did everything you could. Dumbledore sent us a message about what happened. He said you were brave jumping on the trolls back trying to save her. And after the troll was out cold you were right by her side right away telling her everything will be okay. You never left her side. You carried her all the way here and that's a far walk from the bathrooms. Be proud harry because I know your mother and father would be." He looked me dead in the eye and smiled. I nodded slowly and sat by April taking her hand again and I look up at auntie Wendy. "Auntie Wendy it's gonna be okay. I'm really sorry I couldn't protect her better. We got in a bit of a fight before and I was worried because she didn't show up to any other class today. She was on my mind all day." Aunt Wendy looks up at me "why didn't she go to class? What was the fight about?" I look down sadly "she was with our friend Hermione. You see Ron was calling Hermione names because she told him he was wrong and showed him up in class and he didn't like it very much and Hermione heard and rushed past us. Well April chewed into both of us because we were gits and then she didn't show up to any classes or dinner." Aunt Wendy nods slowly. I grab Aprils hand again and I feel a soft squeeze and I gasp. She just squeezed my hand. I look down at Aprils face and I see her eyes opened and looking at me with tears in her eyes. I smile softly and lean down and kiss her. "Morning sleeping beauty" she giggles and I smile. Oh it's so good to have my April back.


I heard people talking about what happened. Someone grabs my hand after and I squeeze it then hear a gasp. I open my eyes and look up at harry and tears form because I replay the words in my head and he says he was worried about me. He kisses me softly and I smile "morning sleeping beauty." I giggle and smiles "m-morning harry." My voice is raspy and I cough hard whimpering "w-water" soon a glass of water is held to my lips and I take a sip smiling as my throat feels a lot better. "How are you sweetie?" I just now notice my mom and dad in the room. I smile bright "I'm okay for nearly having my head pop off." I giggle but I see harry flinch and I instantly look down feeling bad. "I'm sorry harry." He smiles and takes my hand crawling in beside me slowly holding me close "don't worry about I'm just happy your okay." I soon fall asleep cuddling into harry smiling. Boy did I have more in store.

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